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Its Here At Last

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well i'll put my opinion in ,first off south africa done a good job of hosting it and the stadiums were top class ,esp the durban one which is basically now redundent unless they can get the local rugby team to transfer across, security was second to non with only the minor blip here and there . but since the finish all security have been made redundent .

as for the football i think it was appalling .if half the teams put the effort in that bafana bafana put in then it might have been worth watching . France pathetic ,england just plain awful . italy nuf said. it.ll be a while before i put on a england shirt again . to embaressed to wear it > so will be wearing my fake bafana bafana one :) atleast they showed spirit.

felt for those fans who saved and payed to stay out there in the vain hope we would get somewhere . atleast i had family and friends to stay with .

needless to say i wont be going to brasil :blush:

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