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Wanted - Volenteers For Charity Event

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Parker, as soon as we have full details we will be releasing them but i might have to get permission first.

Everyone who is involved needs to agree and that is when everyone else will be told.

It is going to be a laugh though and might be worth a visit just to take the mickey out of me and Ed.


Well thats 1 completed sponsorship form filled!

entrance fee paid,

2 more nutters joining us from wales

display coming together nicely for abingdon

and contacting pub where we do meet to see if they would allow us to do a collection on friday night!



1.Scooby Princess


3.Big D

4.Blue Dragoon

5.Cannon Fodder


7.Fatboy Lewak

8. James 04

9. Scooby Ger


1. Romina - DRIVER


1.Bailey73 - poss

2.Gaunty - poss

3.L55 REP



Still on the charity theme, entries are coming in from all manner of groups to raise money at our new Great Leg Race on Sunday 4th July. Full information and Entry Forms are on our website at www.castlecombecircuit.co.uk

The process is simple, enter a team with the Entry Fee being donated to the Rotary Club Eradicate Polio Campaign. Pledge to raise £1,000.00 and take to the circuit with anything human powered. Run, cycle, skate, walk or push a car as the Subaru International Drivers Club are doing. You raise money for your own good cause, whether a group helping a local school through to famous name charities the object is to try and assist good causes to raise £60,000.00 in our 60th Year. So get a group together, have fun and enjoy the challenge.

NICE BIT OF PUBLICITY! - If only they could get the club name right!



1.Scooby Princess


3.Big D

4.Blue Dragoon

5.Cannon Fodder


7.Fatboy Lewak

8. James 04

9. Scooby Ger


1. Romina - DRIVER


1.Gaunty - poss

2.L55 REP


Hi Jacqueline

Smiths News would like to sponsor you £100 for the charity event you are involved in. Please can you let me know who the cheque should be made payable too.

Many thanks and good luck


Guest sti3_lewak

Still on the charity theme, entries are coming in from all manner of groups to raise money at our new Great Leg Race on Sunday 4th July. Full information and Entry Forms are on our website at www.castlecombecircuit.co.uk

The process is simple, enter a team with the Entry Fee being donated to the Rotary Club Eradicate Polio Campaign. Pledge to raise £1,000.00 and take to the circuit with anything human powered. Run, cycle, skate, walk or push a car as the Subaru International Drivers Club are doing. You raise money for your own good cause, whether a group helping a local school through to famous name charities the object is to try and assist good causes to raise £60,000.00 in our 60th Year. So get a group together, have fun and enjoy the challenge.

NICE BIT OF PUBLICITY! - If only they could get the club name right!

Better than nothing though ;)

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest sti3_lewak

Jaq..... i have miss placed my sponser forms you gave me at actionday.... could you please email me some :blush:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

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