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Cleaning Boost Solenoid

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Just tried to clean the boost solenoid in the wagon and did the usual .... switch on ignition..connect green plugs, disconnect hoses from unit and spray brake cleaner in it... (hope thats the right way :) ) Its just that the fan kept kicking in then switching off!! Is that normal??

Sorry but i'm just learning lol

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Just tried to clean the boost solenoid in the wagon and did the usual .... switch on ignition..connect green plugs, disconnect hoses from unit and spray brake cleaner in it... (hope thats the right way :) ) Its just that the fan kept kicking in then switching off!! Is that normal??

Sorry but i'm just learning lol

That is normal, the fuel pump would have been doing the same :rotfl:

Cheers Iain

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take your maf off and spray some brake&clutch cleaner down it ....

make sure you pay attention to the sensor....

dont use any thing but the cleaner,give it a good spray through and let it dry..

as it will dry very quick.. :)

you can then give it a wipe through with a microfibre cloth....

as before dont wipe the sensor!!!! or you might break the sensor plate,as its very thin ..just the tube..

hope that helps

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you can open the boost solenoid to clean it, buy opening the four bent over claws, inside is just a simple metal diaphram that has a rubber seal moulded to the circumfrance, that i suppose moves back and forth with air pressure.

I have pics available of it open to show inside if any one is interested just pm me and i will email them accross.

its a very easy job to do and a better result than just spraying carb cleaner into a hole on the end of it.

obviously i cannot take responsibility if someone trys it and breaks theirs, LOL.

Edited by Jazmac
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you can open the boost solenoid to clean it, buy opening the four bent over claws, inside is just a simple metal diaphram that has a rubber seal moulded to the circumfrance, that i suppose moves back and forth with air pressure.

I have pics available of it open to show inside if any one is interested just pm me and i will email them accross.

its a very easy job to do and a better result than just spraying carb cleaner into a hole on the end of it.

obviously i cannot take responsibility if someone trys it and breaks theirs, LOL.

It is true that you can do this on the newer solenoids (post MY99) but there is no need to, spraying carb cleaner through the ports works just fine, however it works best if you spray it through with the 2 green connectors under the drivers side of the dash are connected allowing the solenoid to operate as you blow it through.

Cheers Iain

Edited by Big 'D'
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take your maf off and spray some brake&clutch cleaner down it ....

make sure you pay attention to the sensor....

dont use any thing but the cleaner,give it a good spray through and let it dry..

as it will dry very quick.. :)

you can then give it a wipe through with a microfibre cloth....

as before dont wipe the sensor!!!! or you might break the sensor plate,as its very thin ..just the tube..

hope that helps

Any pics lol :rotfl:

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