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  • 2 weeks later...
Well I suppose I may as well be the first to welcome you to the madhouse. The voices in my head keep telling me that everyone else on here is mad, mad, mad but I'll leave you to make your own mind up....................................must get back to the home now, they lock the doors at dusk. 
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[H] From Gravesend Too

Anyone here drives the Red Subaru round Echo square?


That would probably be me as I see to be the only red scooby in Gravesend [:o



all newbies to KentScoobies - it helps to be slightly mad to be

here [:S] lol  although some of us are a bit further gone

than slightly [;)

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i only caught a glimpse of it the other day turning up harmour street in town.i tried to get closer but had some damn granny driver in front of me who hogged the whole road lol.

it was a really dark blue,not the standard blue subaru colour,with red mudflaps,and stickers over it.looked really smart.


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