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Thanks Given Where Thanks Due

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If I receive good service I believe in sharing that with folks who may need similar work :

After 7.5 weeks of not being able to drive first outing was through to Bonnybridge/Falkirk. Wish it was for something a bit more exciting but was just about keeping the car running well !

Car had it's 5 year service, which included the rather expensive timing belt change, and Duncan(s) gave it a good check over pointing out one or two future things to consider. Although not the biggest bill for car service work I've ever received wasn't far away, but not as bad as I thought was going to be given my list of "could you look at"! Harder to part with the cash when you spend that amount and it doesn't drive any different <_< . As usual happy with their work and advice, that personal touch of Subaru chat (when he has time) I like.

At the service the wheels came off, and the locking wheel nut key was shredding. Wheels/nuts only 18months old so left the locking nuts off and when I collected the car headed over to Skidz where they were bought from (didn't realise they'd moved to a more impressive premises!). Showed the guy the locking key and without any request from me he replaced the whole set for free ! Good customer service in my book.

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