j-k Posted August 6, 2009 Posted August 6, 2009 (edited) Lets do our own meets as SIDC Kent Region and tell ksdotcom to Yogi, I thought this forum was a place for sensible people with a common interest in the Subaru Marque. In case you are not aware,......from the original days of KS being on Scoobynet, it was always our intention to have our own website, and thanks to the kindnest of Deani_age we are now in a position to finally have our own home. There are still alot of members from long before your time, that are involved in one way or another with the club. Just because we dont all get to the meets on a regular basis doesn't mean that we are not interested. If you dont want to be involved with the new setup , fine, im sure there will be others that will be interested. If the forum has to co exist with SIDC Kent scoobies then thats fine also...we can be neighbours! You can choose where you want to be but please keep such comments as quoted above to yourself please. jon Edited August 6, 2009 by j-k
col_2 Posted August 6, 2009 Posted August 6, 2009 Yogi, I thought this forum was a place for sensible people.. your on the wrong site dude
j-k Posted August 6, 2009 Posted August 6, 2009 (edited) Really? Everyone likes a laugh...me especially, but some simple comments,when written down and not thought out, can be enterpreted as meaning something totally different! Edited August 6, 2009 by j-k
BLUE V LTD Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 (edited) So where do you put your name down then? It all seems to be normal again. Might get an Evo and see if thats more fun. I'm not here to take sides after my accident and happy to come out of it in one non broken piece my out look on life has changed so make the most of it have as much fun as possible and that is a whole lot easyer with friends with the same interests ( plus if you do it on your own people give you funny looks ) this site or the other who cares at the end of the day. I just want to have fun you never know when your time is up..... Edited August 7, 2009 by BLUE V LTD
col_2 Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 (edited) So where do you put your name down then? It all seems to be normal again. Might get an Evo and see if thats more fun.I'm not here to take sides after my accident and happy to come out of it in one non broken piece my out look on life has changed so make the most of it have as much fun as possible and that is a whole lot easyer with friends with the same interests ( plus if you do it on your own people give you funny looks ) this site or the other who cares at the end of the day. I just want to have fun you never know when your time is up..... i did say from day one!! that by having another site running along side this one would not work both togeather. & cause conflictions. the only way i can see it working is if the monthly meets are only posted on ks.co.uk. & sidc/kentscoobies have there own monthly meets. that way people will not be confused, & they can go on both sites or one. like jon said when they moved away from scoobynet to here it worked, but hes forgetting that when that happend the meets were no longer posted on scoobynet. i just feel its a shame that ks.co.uk can not move on & have fun & stop causing conflictions on this forum. Edited August 7, 2009 by col_2
scoobytibs Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 well said col agree 100% no fuss made , no arguments ,no falling out with anyone that site does wot they want and this one does wot it likes every ones a winner lovly jubbly
col_2 Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 well said col agree 100% no fuss made , no arguments ,no falling out with anyone that site does wot they want and this one does wot it likes every ones a winner lovly jubbly thanks tibs, it is so simple they dont understand, let us have fun & be happy
j-k Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 When we used to frequent scabbynet, we had to post within the southern section along with all of the other southeast clubs. Threads used to dissapear quickly onto the next page, and the whole southern section was very busy and disjointed. It basically became a few clubs all trying to use the same space. Phil stephens came to the rescue and offerred us our own section on SIDC, which at the time was greatly needed and appreciated. We used to continue to post on Snet for a while, linking posts to meets and days out etc, but natural progression moved us here. I still visit Snet regularly along with this site and the new site. we are not in the process of trying to over throw the the powers that are SIDC, just trying to move KS on to a new level, the next step of which is to have our own home. Once we have settled in, the forum /club WILL then be tailored to how the MEMBERS want it to be run. The people involved have been around long enough to know where they would like the club to progress to, but up until now have not been in a position to do much about it. At the end of the day, everyone has a choice where they want to go....i personally choose all 3 sites... jon
HOL Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Yogi, Some of us have actually stood up for you in the past other members complained about you being a bit childish!! (Im beginning to regret putting my weight behind your case!)- When are you going to wise up and realise that KentScoobies is a club and not a website???? Stop trying to split the Kent Scoobies club by making unsubstantiated claims and start acting like you want the Kent Subaru community to continue. There is no hidden agenda by kent Scoobies to take over (over what, I have no idea??), people are not disappearing in the middle of the night - taken by some sort of secret police!!! FFS!! J-K actually knows what he is talking about when he talks about the start of Kent Scoobies and where the club has wanted to be, all you seem to know about is what you have either guessed wrongly, or been fed by some other pl**ker!! I will say it again - Kent Scoobies is a Club set up for Kent Subaru owners, by KENT owners for KENT owners. The SIDC is a much bigger national Club that have kindly allowed us to squat on their Kent regional Forum. To date both the SIDC Kent area reps have been KS members and have actively arranged the KS attendance to SIDC nationa events and also stepped up to the plate to arrange local events when no-one else seemed bothered to do so.
granby Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 OK yogi made a silly remark, but hay thats yogi , don't think we need to drag things up again
j-k Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Ian, Its silly remarks that start all the problems in the first place.... We all have opinions, but some of us are wise enough to keep them to ourselves. I agree with free speech on the forums , but at what cost? Instead of the forums bringing everyone closer together it is probably having the opposite effect at the moment. jon
HOL Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Ian,Its silly remarks that start all the problems in the first place.... We all have opinions, but some of us are wise enough to keep them to ourselves. I agree with free speech on the forums , but at what cost? Instead of the forums bringing everyone closer together it is probably having the opposite effect at the moment. jon Yogi, When you read this, I suggest you approach J-K or myself and 'verbally' get the true facts before posting again. Plenty of people you know have our mobile numbers. Nobody wants a ying-yang post based on factual inacuracies. Andy
scoobytibs Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 if the meet was arranged thru sidc there wouldnt of been a problem in the first place there was no need for the link to another site thats what i dont understand , thats what i thought was wrong this is a totally seperate club to ks .
mikkers Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 When I got home last night I thought I would have a go at looking at how this thread was going on my mobile. I was absolutely shocked at what I saw, and have to say very surprised and more than a little dissapointed. The way this site looked on my phone was appalling, I could read about four words before having to scroll along, then scroll back and try to see which line I was on. I need a new phone immediately. On the other thing, if kent scoobies is one club, why does it need to have two forums? What was the intention, long term, is it to try and build up ks.com and then move kent scoobies there? Presumably sidc would still then run a kent region site, which many people would still frequent, therefore it would be impossible to entirely run kent scoobies from just one site, unless kent scoobies and kent subaru club (or whatever it would be called) run as two seperate entities. If this is not your intention, then surely nothing needs to be changed? What do you want from ks.com that the sidc is not currently offering? Saying you would let the members decide is great from a democratic point of view but not entirely realistic, dean started a thread about this and had very little feedback, apart from female naked mud wrestling. It just shows that people don't really know what they want, apart from a fun forum for information about events and some general good humoured banter. As far as I see that's what is on offer here. I do not want to see another thread descend into chaos as this does nothing, and I don't want to make enemies of people I have never met (although I have met j-k and he is a good guy), but I for one can't really see what the long term goals are of "the old guard", by which I mean j-k, hol, pele dean etc.
BLUE V LTD Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Just to be a pain can i put my name down on both sites and dose that mean i have to turn up twice. 1. blue v ltd.
granby Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Nice one Matt 1. blue v ltd 2. Granby i personally don't give a s*** about politics and just want to be part of a fun club
scoobytibs Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 granby i know where theres a fun club you might like its in brighton not much of a dress code do you own any leather chaps , mikkers is a lifelong member he told me all about it ........
col_2 Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 granby i know where theres a fun club you might like its in brighton not much of a dress code do you own any leather chaps , mikkers is a lifelong member he told me all about it ........
granby Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 granby i know where theres a fun club you might like its in brighton not much of a dress code do you own any leather chaps , mikkers is a lifelong member he told me all about it ........ can i borrow your membership card
scoobytibs Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 (edited) LIFES TO SHORT FOR THIS **** JOIN AS MANY CLUBS AS POSSIBLE , GRANBY JOINED GALA BINGO AND NO ONE MADE A FUSS sorry ian had my membership cancelled when they caught me trying to smuggle in a whippet . Edited August 7, 2009 by scoobytibs
granby Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 LIFES TO SHORT FOR THIS **** JOIN AS MANY CLUBS AS POSSIBLE , GRANBY JOINED GALA BINGO AND NO ONE MADE A FUSS I told you not to mention that
col_2 Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 (edited) i cant put my name down on ks.co.uk ive been banned lol. dont worry granby, im a member of mecca club, Edited August 7, 2009 by col_2
col_2 Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 BANNED YOUR JOKING no im not joking. (You have been banned from this forum. Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information) so you wont see me no more at meets
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