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Big Welsh Meet 2009 @ Elan Dams Mid Wales


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For the past few years groups from North, Mid and South Wales have had a get together at the Elan dams in mid Wales.

This year this joint meet in its 3rd year has been arranged for Sunday the 9th August. :D

For those not in the know, this meet is about bringing North, South, Mid, East & West Wales Scooby factions together in one big meet at Clarewen Dam (Elan Valley, Rhayader) for an afternoon of BBQ'ing and taking in the beautiful views Elan Valley has to offer.

As this is a national park permission to hold this event has been sort and approved by the

National parks Head Countryside Ranger subject to some basic but common sense rules.

Please add your name to the list if you wish to attend.

Times and further information are TBA and can be found one page one of this thread.






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1. Richy B

2. Taylor

3. SSS

4. matscooby

5. Bubba

6. Red

7. V.C

8. Cannon Fodder

9. Will and Minty

10. turboDean

11. Big fud

12. wrx287

13. N_W_S (i cant get any unluckyer so 13 suits me lol)

14. bonzee

15. ozz

16. wrxsti

17. Blue Dragoon with the chairs, table, kitchen sink and flag

18. CristalTips

19. lukebry88

20. RSEdwards

21 cos

22 KJD Mk1

23. Trap2terrorist

24 gleno060552


26. mervil

27. pippyrips

28. johnny

29. ryan33hks

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  • 1 month later...

1. Richy B

2. Taylor

3. SSS

4. matscooby

5. Bubba

6. Red

7. V.C

8. Cannon Fodder

9. Will and Minty

10. turboDean

11. Big fud

12. wrx287

13. N_W_S (i cant get any unluckyer so 13 suits me lol)

14. bonzee

15. ozz

16. wrxsti

17. Blue Dragoon with the chairs, table, kitchen sink and flag

18. CristalTips

19. lukebry88

20. RSEdwards

21 cos

22 KJD Mk1

23. Trap2terrorist

24 gleno060552


26. mervil

27. pippyrips

28. johnny

29. ryan33hks

30. big daz

31. rally fan 555

32. S20PE Phill and Di

33. Daz187

34. carnuts

35. nathanb

36. Top_Fuel

37. The Moose

38. JamieB

39. Cd09

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1. Richy B

2. Taylor

3. SSS

4. matscooby

5. Bubba

6. Red

7. V.C

8. Cannon Fodder

9. Will and Minty

10. turboDean

11. Big fud

12. wrx287

13. N_W_S (i cant get any unluckyer so 13 suits me lol)

14. bonzee

15. ozz

16. wrxsti

17. Blue Dragoon with the chairs, table, kitchen sink and flag

18. CristalTips

19. lukebry88

20. RSEdwards

21 cos

22 KJD Mk1

23. Trap2terrorist

24 gleno060552


26. mervil

27. pippyrips

28. johnny

29. ryan33hks

30. big daz

31. rally fan 555

32. S20PE Phill and Di

33. Daz187

34. carnuts

35. nathanb

36. Top_Fuel

37. The Moose

38. JamieB

39. Cd09

40. Scoobyp1

41. mr_D

42. welshy12

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. Richy B

2. Taylor

3. SSS

4. matscooby

5. Bubba

6. Red

7. V.C

8. Cannon Fodder

9. Will and Minty

10. turboDean

11. Big fud

12. wrx287

13. N_W_S (i cant get any unluckyer so 13 suits me lol)

14. bonzee

15. ozz

16. wrxsti

17. Blue Dragoon with the chairs, table, kitchen sink and flag

18. CristalTips

19. lukebry88

20. RSEdwards

21 cos

22 KJD Mk1

23. Trap2terrorist

24 gleno060552


26. mervil

27. pippyrips

28. johnny

29. ryan33hks

30. big daz

31. rally fan 555

32. S20PE Phill and Di

33. Daz187

34. carnuts

35. nathanb

36. Top_Fuel

37. The Moose

38. JamieB

39. Cd09

40. Scoobyp1

41. mr_D

42. welshy12

43. jaywin80

44. Bomag and Serenity

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  • 1 month later...

OK, the flyer is done! Please download it from here (it is in PDF format) - http://www.mid-wales-scoobys.co.uk/bwm2009flyer.pdf

If you can't read PDF format items please download Adobe Reader from here - Adobe - Adobe Reader download - All versions

Then print off a copy each, put your username in the box in bold writing and put it in your car window when you enter Rhayader (or for the whole trip if you so want)!

If one person in each convoy could keep a few of these on board for those that can't get to a computer (or print one off, etc) that would be great!

I will have a load of these on board should anyone need one!

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