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Respect For This Special Weekend

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After looking through the site as i do i stumbled across a link andy put up which made for good reading and gave me a few good things to take on borde for the Gathering weekend, mayby if Andy sees this post he could put the link in here too but i shall copy and paste a few things from it, as there are things that are requested that i was unaware of might just be me though lol


Saturday 30th August

The Colin McRae tribute convoy will depart from Lanark Market at 10am kindly led by Jimmy

McRae behind the wheel of Colin’s personal Series McRae Impreza.

Jimmy will lead the convoy until we reach the M74 motorway. From there we will proceed down the

M74, M6, M5, M42 and M40 with many others joining en route. There will be a lunch/refuelling

stop at Charnock Richards Services on the M6. The convoy will terminate at Prodrive, Banbury in

the early evening. There is nothing planned for Saturday evening at Prodrive. You will be free to go

to your accommodation, freshen up and go out and enjoy yourselves.

Sunday 31st August

From 10am the Prodrive facilities at Banbury will be open. You will be able to explore the Heritage

Centre and the Subaru World Rally Team Workshops. You will also be able to buy hot breakfast

rolls and tea and coffee.

At 12 noon, the convoy will depart from Banbury and head to the Prodrive test facility at Warwick

led by Colin’s 1996 World Championship Impreza. On arrival at Warwick you will immediately be

directed to the area where we will break our first world record - spelling out Colin’s name and a

Scottish Saltire entirely from Subarus to present the world’s largest mosaic/picture made entirely

from cars. There will be an adjudicator from the Guinness Book of Records present on the day.

At approximately 3pm the charity auction and raffle will take place. Immediately after that you

should return to your car for our second world record attempt – the largest convoy of cars of the

same marque the world has ever seen.

Once the convoy is completed you will be directed out of the facility to have a safe journey home,

hopefully with memories of being part of an enjoyable and very special weekend.

this is what i found very interesting and i will abide by everything asked


We believe that everyone who has committed to this event genuinely appreciates what Colin McRae

achieved and will enter into the spirit of this tribute. You are going to be part of something VERY special – a

totally unique event and one which will never happen again. We hope these rules are unnecessary, but we

have to publish them anyway:

The first one isn’t so much a rule as a request. We would ask that all cars taking part in both the

Saturday and Sunday official convoys from Lanark to Banbury and Banbury to Warwick run with dipped

headlights. Note, not just sidelights, and no full-on fog /driving lights, but with everyone on dipped

headlights only. Apart from increasing safety by making our presence known to other drivers who

might not be aware this event is taking place, it shows a unity – that we are all together for the same

cause and it increases the impact of what we are doing and why we are doing it. Webmasters – please

pass this request on to your various Members who are taking part.

No car in the official convoys shall overtake the lead car. There is only one car permitted to overtake

the convoy lead car and that is the clearly-marked Marshal who has to pull ahead to each joining point

to collect those joining. That car shall then escort incoming cars into the convoy and then proceed to

the front of the convoy again to pull off at the next joining point.

Given the length of the convoy, lane discipline is vital. We must ensure we cause as little inconvenience

to other road users as possible. If the left hand lane is clear then please return to it. Middle lane

hogging will frustrate other drivers so please return as far left as you possibly can at all times. We

know we are going to be monitored by police forces the entire length of the journey and we know there

will be press photographers, television film crews and general well-wishers on motorway flyovers. Press

interest in this event is massive - the eyes of the world WILL be upon us and you are ALL ambassadors

for the McRae Gathering. Please bear that in mind.

If you have to pull out of the official convoys for any reason, you should re-join at the end of the convoy.

You should not exceed the speed limit to “catch-up” or to rejoin your original place. The Colin McRae

philosophy of “If in doubt, flat out” does not apply to this event!

The directions of Marshals must be followed at all times. Marshals will be wearing hi-visibility vests

bearing the Gathering logo. We’ve spent a lot of time on the logistics of moving and parking so many

cars so please help us by following their direction. This might mean you may not be able to park next to

your friends or your Club, but please understand there are a massive number of cars to organise and

we have to work with the land we have available,

All attendees must show respect to other road users and local residents, especially in both Banbury

and Warwick. Remember, this is a respectful tribute event in memory of Colin McRae. If you’re staying

in Banbury on Saturday night, keep the revs down – especially if you have a loud exhaust. Preferably,

just leave the car and go out, have a few pints (but not too many!) and take in the atmosphere –

Banbury will be heaving with Scooby enthusiasts!

Whilst we cannot insist anyone making their way to this event either on their own or as part of a

smaller convoy abides by our rules we would ask that you do stick by them. If you are carrying a McRae

Gathering sticker then you are representing this event. With the reputation Subaru drivers have gained

due to the low cost of older models and cheaper insurance for young drivers we’ve had to work hard

with Police forces, local authorities and residents to assure them that this is a respectful charity

tribute event and not some boy racer cruise. Please – don’t let us down. We want everybody we come

across this weekend to go away thinking what a nice bunch of people the Subaru community are.

Finally, and we hope this one is totally unnecessary - anyone who is found doing anything silly will have

their attendance sticker removed, will be denied access to any event venue and may be reported to the


im sorry if this was already posted but if i had not noticed it then mayby others had not seen it either

many thanks


Edited by craigy
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Good read

The last bit made me chuckle

• If you have to pull out of the official convoys for any reason, you should re-join at the end of the convoy.

You should not exceed the speed limit to “catch-up” or to rejoin your original place. The Colin McRae

philosophy of “If in doubt, flat out” does not apply to this event!

Very true

•With the reputation Subaru drivers have gained due to the low cost of older models and cheaper insurance for young drivers we’ve had to work hard with Police forces, local authorities and residents to assure them that this is a respectful charity tribute event and not some boy racer cruise.

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there is a lot more information available about the McRae Gathering event than what Craigy's posted

we figured it was the best way to say things once and give you all a thorough breakdown of whats going on,

the amount of repetitive questions we get asked is shocking! :thumbup: and gets very tiresome :P

Clicky here and download the information pack, for all you need to know about this record breaking event

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Two more things I hope everyone really does abide by as well are

1) Not buying Stickers off of Ebay for the event. Seems some have already gone up for auction :D

2) Careful use of Alcohol the night before. Police maybe our friends on the day but a little slip up could cost you your licence. Everyone wants a good time even meeting up the night before but just enjoy it and be sensible

My God I cant believe its less than a week away



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Not buying Stickers off of Ebay for the event. Seems some have already gone up for auction :D

In fairness, neither of the two sellers did it to profit from the event and their intentions were good - to allow someone else to take part because they could no longer make it. Both immediately pulled the items on our request and understood our reasons for not wanting them on Ebay. No more have appeared since. :D

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In fairness, neither of the two sellers did it to profit from the event and their intentions were good - to allow someone else to take part because they could no longer make it. Both immediately pulled the items on our request and understood our reasons for not wanting them on Ebay. No more have appeared since. :D

yep fair play to them for that, i no i had help for my sticker to which im truely gratefull so in the noing they were trying to help someone out is good in its self really

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