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non related but has got me down abit

i got paid Friday so not having a lunchtime pint with the lads for a few months i was really looking forward to it, had one pint and i must have left my wallet on the bar, with what money i had left for the week, are there any good Samaritans left because if i found a wallet i would hand it in or take it to cop shop but no it had been taken , i offen leave my wallet about but realize in time,

worse thing about it was i had two of the most beautiful pictures of my boy in it, i would have preferred them to take the money and leave the wallet.

my SIDC card was in it too so i hope they log on a read this.

sleep well you nasty freaking barsteward and cheers for spoiling my day bet you kid ain't as good looking as mine, UP YOURS

Edited by craigy
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Sorry to hear that mate, especially when you've got pictures in it as well. My cousin had his phone nicked a couple of months ago and that was full of pics of his little boy. Was in the middle of moving house so hadn't got round to downloading them.

It's always worth handing anything in tho'. When i was at uni up in Manchester one of my house mates found a wallet and handed it in. Later that night there was a knock on the door and it was the bloke whose wallet it was, and we all got a few drinks out of it :lol:

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