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Women Drivers

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In defence of the decent women drivers, and there arnt many, i dont talk on phone, or do make up when driving. I sing along to songs and smile and wave to other scoobs and shout at the kids and other drivers... :rolleyes:


My normally placid and docile girlfriend turn into a complete psycho hose beast when anyone does even the slightest bit of bad driving. And she drives far too fast, her Fiesta at 80mph feels like its about to go into meltdown and if I say anything she just snaps "oh its ok for you to do good knows what in your car" the difference is my car dosnt feel like its about to be blown off the road/lose a wing/topple over/explode.

whats up with ur photobucket would say send em to me il do it but got work tmoz cudda dun it today u not got photo bucket shiiralee

I have and got pics on phone too but got this stupid laptop from work and its got to go back cos they didnt allow certain things to be done on it...like upload pics!!! :rolleyes:

I have and got pics on phone too but got this stupid laptop from work and its got to go back cos they didnt allow certain things to be done on it...like upload pics!!! ;)

Driving on the phone while doing ya make up and useing your lap top oh and giving someone the finger lol Hmmm how many times have i seen that :P

Driving on the phone while doing ya make up and useing your lap top oh and giving someone the finger lol Hmmm how many times have i seen that ;)

Slightly off topic, cos this topic is women drivers, and this is both sexes. Quite often see people go past me drinking a cup of coffee/tea in the mornings.


Most unbelieveable, bloke driving towards me holding a table, one handed out the window of his car. Needless to say I stopped and gave him PLENTY of room incase he dropped it! And before anyone says anytihng, I don't do drugs and I certainly don't drink drive!!

Slightly off topic, cos this topic is women drivers, and this is both sexes. Quite often see people go past me drinking a cup of coffee/tea in the mornings.


Most unbelieveable, bloke driving towards me holding a table, one handed out the window of his car. Needless to say I stopped and gave him PLENTY of room incase he dropped it! And before anyone says anytihng, I don't do drugs and I certainly don't drink drive!!


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