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Lothian Santa Cruise

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Well done guys. Can I just single out Fastone Dale here. That's twice in a matter of weeks he's made the journey down from Aberdeen to support firstly the Glasgow charity meal at Peters and then again to support the Edinburgh Santa Cruise. That's dedication for you. Nice one mate :crying:

BTW, the "can we have our homeless guy back" comment was funny as **** :angry:

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Right posted my pics finally, still holed up in bed, as I think that messing about with me rear strut brace last night (Thanks To Gus the Bus for giving me a hand even though lurgy ridden...), has just given me a bit of a kick to catch a cold... :angry: on top of already not feeling well...

Anywyays... on with the show, I never really took many to be honest, only really as we were about to leave, and never took any in the hospital, as I didn't really want to force a load of cameras on the kids thats not fair, so I left the photography to Rosie and Neil (some nice pics by the way...)

the pics from my Santa Crusie set are all here: Thefastone @ Flickr









Edited by thefastone
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