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20 Years

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when i left the RAF after 29 years (should have been 30 but due to their carelessness I was damaged goods and they refused to let me continue) I got around 38 grand which sounds nice EXCEPT at the time I had to leave others were taking voluntary redundancy for service of far less than 20 years and getting over 90 grand, they cleared their mortgages and i could not, plus being left disabled i felt somewhat agrieved that they got so much

Blimey - it does sound harsh - in modern times it should be equal

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when i left the RAF after 29 years (should have been 30 but due to their carelessness I was damaged goods and they refused to let me continue) I got around 38 grand which sounds nice EXCEPT at the time I had to leave others were taking voluntary redundancy for service of far less than 20 years and getting over 90 grand, they cleared their mortgages and i could not, plus being left disabled i felt somewhat agrieved that they got so much

that sounds slightly naughty to me

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