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Scottish Scoobies Santa Cruise 2007

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Ladies and Gents,

Now that our annual Santa Cruise barny is over and done with could we please sort out this years Santa Cruise??I feel that now the poll has more or less died a death the 25th of this month would be too late to start organising things.A lot of bad blood has been shed yet again this year,we are supposed to be responsible adults so lets act like it and get on with what is important at this time and that is bringing some extra joy to sick children who will be in hospital over Christmas.

Fai 17 is holding his annual bash at his restaurant (take a bow Peter) for which iam as usual very gratefull.

Could someone please organise getting donation forms sorted so that we can get funds from our workmates etc?Also would it not be a good idea if all regions displayed the same Santa Cruise decals?Lothian had very good ones last year along the lines of "Scottish Scoobies supporting sick children across Scotland 2006".

Personally it was myself who started Santa Cruise in Scotland four years ago but this will be my last as due to some unsavoury pm's etc i will not be renewing my membership this year which has been a hard decision.I would like to point out at this stage that i will be leaving all grudges at my front door so that we can make this years cruise go smoothly and i hope all other parties feel the same.

Time is running out people,i have two days off this week and would like to get things in motion by phoning Yorkhill to sort out suitable dates and the parking problems which have been highlighted unless there are objections to this of course.

Last minute shopping is not a problem is it??????I'm sure there are (and i know a few who are up for it) would love the excitment and buzz of doing this job.

Could we please get a meeting organised as soon as possible to sort out the above.

Many Thanks

Grampa Billy :)


If you can get me a master of the donation form you want to use I can get as many copies as you need ran off, just let me know... need to drop you a PM anyway Billy on another matter B)


Billy took the initative a week or so ago and talked to Ally-b regarding stickers/decals, though the simplest way was to get the same as last year, posted up to see if anyone had any objections but none so ordered them on Tuesday so should be here next week.

The main reason was there was talk of getting them as early as possible to get better advertising this year, if we waited until vote was over and organised the sticker it would have been the 6th December before handing them out.

40 sets of SANTA CRUISE 2007 and SCOTTISH SCOOBIES and 4 SCOOBY SANTA with the Saltire ordered.

Donation sheet - I think I have a copy of last year in my works computer will check tomorrow.

Happy to help on the shopping trip.

Donation sheet - I think I have a copy of last year in my works computer will check tomorrow.

If you've got it Robert, drop me a PM or email and I can get a load ran off at work.



I have a jerviswood one she sent me I could put up, but obviously the voting isn't finished yet - when it is and a form is made I will host on the site.


I had already contacted Yorkhill and Robin House (investigating the idea of a 2-stop drop but nothing has been decided yet) at the start of September about this year's event and commenced initial discussions about parking, presents etc.

Would like to suggest that I remain the point of contact with them, for consistency and a "club" approach to the hospital.

The vote closes this Thursday. That gives us a week to contact the hospital to agree a date.

There may be an issue with dates.

Depending on when Peter holds his meal/raffle night, we could be doing some last minute shopping before the event.

Obviously the date of the hospital run will need to be after his night.

Donation forms/money gathering/present shopping will be tight, but that's nothing new!

Had always thought that the next Gla meet would be where we would go over the details, as the outcome of the vote and hopefully the date of the event would be sorted.


the poll ends tomorrow.

If you have a view about where our funds should go for this year's Santa Cruise, vote in the thread pinned at the top of the forum.

Peter has set the date for his charity night (Fri 7th Dec) and the next Glasgow meet is a week on Thursday.


Rear window sticker will be available for next Glasgow meet.

SANTA CRUISE 2007 and SCOTTISH SCOOBIES same as last year £5 for a pair.

After costs are covered any money made will be donated to this years chosen charity.

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