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Devon Scoobs Show Me Where You Are

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Hey dude,

If you go to www.devonscoobies.co.uk there are a good few of us on there. Local forum for you guys ect.

Look forward to meeting you at any meets.

Monki. B)

nice one thanks for that will go on now B)

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told ya.......theres loads down here..seen another 4 in exeter today,,a lovely black wrx sti blobeye this afternoon to name one...lol :):D:D

sent you a message on there for you love your car :iagree::mellow:


oops sorry mate the blue one is the old one the silver one is the new one which i have now ok dont rib me on this i ask my self why what have i done from this day i regret selling the blue one as it was the best car i ever had :rolleyes:


well thats a suprise mate................thinking of doing the same myself though lol...looks like you won something by the pic.........thinking of selling mine and buying a cheaper classic and a second banger for running around in..


if you do .that do me one small thing dont do what i did rush in to selling the blue one and now regrate big time just make shore you doing the right thing and you want to do it for your self and the family sorry if i telling what to do but just triying to help a freind classic are nice but if you sell yours have a good look round for one i see loads before i got mine and it took me mouths to get the one what have been look after well had too change some bits as you do just hope this helps you not telling you what to do like i say just helping won the show a shine show for best classic at jae this year :rolleyes::thumbup::)


must be mint to win that bud...........no what you mean,still thinking about selling it..probably wont happen to be honest............just need a run around for shopping and short in town journeys..........................i detest parking the scoob in car parks..bloody door dingers...will be good to see your scoob at some point,sounds a beauty..

must be mint to win that bud...........no what you mean,still thinking about selling it..probably wont happen to be honest............just need a run around for shopping and short in town journeys..........................i detest parking the scoob in car parks..bloody door dingers...will be good to see your scoob at some point,sounds a beauty..

thats the best i dear for you is too get a cheap runner around as you scoob looks very nice must come down to meet you soon as i have family at brigewater dont blame you for not parking the scoob in car parks some people dont care thease day when there in a car park i get a lot down here so i dont use the scoob i dont use it for work some times as the scoob is nexe too other cars :rolleyes::thumbup::)


its so strange.got my works van which is 4 yrs old and i park it anywhere.no door dings whatso ever..park my scoob and door dings appear everywhere............must be just unlucky

its so strange.got my works van which is 4 yrs old and i park it anywhere.no door dings whatso ever..park my scoob and door dings appear everywhere............must be just unlucky

have you done any mods to the scoob i think a lot of it people just dont care thease days thay see a nice car and oops bang go there door on your car then thay think o never mined his got the money to get it done i think thats half of the problem knowing it will cost you loads to get done :rolleyes:


very cold lol looking forward to the weekened doing the tunnell run on sat i thought you might of come to this just working this week off to south wales tommrow doing a delivery at mugor in the van clean the scoob yesterday had the day off work so got a bit bored kids off scool un till monday so its a bit of a mad house lol :rolleyes:


kids off school,tell me about,hence why ive been told to have 3 days off work lol lol...........bless em,the little ######.....keeping me fit.

how far milage/time from mk to exeter..

kids off school,tell me about,hence why ive been told to have 3 days off work lol lol...........bless em,the little ######.....keeping me fit.

how far milage/time from mk to exeter..

from mk too exeter is a bout 187 miles average time 3 hours and 20 mins from my house too exeter

how old are your kids mate i got 2 mine a boy age 10 and a girl age 9 funny thing is my girl loves the scooby she comes too all the shows with me my son is not to fussed a bout it :rolleyes:


my kids are callum 3 and chloe 5,little terrors when there together lol lol..fair old journey down this way then..shame we have a couple meets coming up......one is a rr day and the other is street wars(drag strip and handling course)..

my kids are callum 3 and chloe 5,little terrors when there together lol lol..fair old journey down this way then..shame we have a couple meets coming up......one is a rr day and the other is street wars(drag strip and handling course)..

little terrors lol but you love them realy keeping you on your feet dont worrie a bout long way for a meet i can arrange something thats no probs

shame i cant make your rrday as me car going in to zen for me front mout fitted will have to see when your meets come up apart from that have you been busy today or have you been relaxing in the sun :thumbup:


no sun down here today,no rain just cold and cloudy........not done alot to be honest,chloe is just getting over chicken pox so having to keep her away from others,athough shes probably ok now and isnt a carrier of it,,

so your getting a front mount fitted,what bhp you hoping for?


car went on the rollers in the year bhp was 258 but had some new bits added now had new coil packs front pipe d cat now the front mount nexe hopping for a bout 280 could be a little more or a bit less need to get some injectors soon then nexe year tottall respray mega saving on the spray

tho lol :thumbup: no sun there :thumbup: hope chloe ok now bud

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