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Kent Scoobies Membership Meet 14th October

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sorry i cant make this as i have to have the kids on sunday but ill let someone no my views an i am up for making kent scoobies move forward an sticking with the decisions made :thumbup:

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sorry i cant make this as i have to have the kids on sunday but ill let someone no my views an i am up for making kent scoobies move forward an sticking with the decisions made :thumbup:

i dont see any reason at the mo why i wont be there, :thumbup:

will air ya views for ya daz ?


Hi Yogi. If you feel that it's a waste of time meeting perhaps you can let us know how you would like to see the club move forward. Do you think that it's time for a change of leadership and what would be your vision for the future of the club.

Hi Yogi. If you feel that it's a waste of time meeting perhaps you can let us know how you would like to see the club move forward. Do you think that it's time for a change of leadership and what would be your vision for the future of the club.

KS is not a club, it's just a forum for people to communicate, to have a club you need a chairman, club secretary, a tresurer, committe members etc etc, and funds generated by it's members. Who runs it doesn't matter as long as WE contribute to a fund that allows events to take place, in and in my opinion our Pele is more than capable, with support of organising us narrow minded miserable lot, standing on her head.

Dont back stab Pele, the only way any club can opperate is with money generated by its members and other money making activities which in KS's case has nothing to trade, (YET) put money in, get something out it's that simple.

So my vision for the club is for it to have adequate funds for us to attend events in a professional manner, but only if everyone agrees.

Posted (edited)
KS is not a club, it's just a forum for people to communicate..........who runs it doesn't matter as long as WE contribute to a fund that allows events to take place, in and in my opinion our Pele is more than capable, with support of organising us narrow minded miserable lot, standing on her head.

Sorry that you feel we're a miserable narrow-minded lot Ian, but Kent Scoobies IS a Club - you don't need a chairman, treasurer etc etc to make it 'work'; you don't even really need funding if people are happy to put their hand in their pocket. What is needed, before it falls down altogether under the weight of the ongoing arguments, is some sense of unity from its members and a sense of purpose as to where its members want the Club to go. To achieve this I personally believe we probably need a small 'team' (headed by a Regional Organiser who could oversee issues and liaise at national level) who are willing to take on the everyday running of the Club and Dalthegooner in his initial thread, and I believe quite justifiably so, brought this matter to the fore by asking whether it was time for the present RO to perhaps be replaced. Its all got a bit niggly since then, with people falling into pro- and anti- camps. I've only been with Kent Scoobies for just over two years now and the Club has grown considerably since then, however, there's been no obvious sign of any form of management team being set up to cope with it. Given everyones 'outside activities' we all surely have to accept that we need more than one person to drive this along.

I believe that as a matter of priority we need to sort out the position of RO - is there anyone willing to take this on - could we have two people sharing the role? If Phils attending the meeting it would be useful to know the true implications of this role. We then need a team willing to organise events, local and national and a couple of others to 'share the load' handling anything else that needs doing /font]

Edited by BASER999

There is no reason why more people can't get involved but if you focus one person to liase back to SIDC thats cool.

Remember you don't need to be an RO to organise a meeting

You need someone to update calanders, receive emails from us that is Kent related, generally be a figure head

Pele has been a great RO

You guys want more

Then when you have the meeting perhaps Pele needs to delegate some of the workload if its too heavy


Someone has to make a decision every now and again

EG Tiny decided we would have Pink T shirts 2 years ago there were ALOT of people that said OVER MY DEAD BODY well the rest is history

Tiny also decided to go to some show at Lakeside a year or two .................. BIG MISTAKE but hey a decision was made and we attended, Tiny was not berated for it, It was a lesson learn't :(

So remember you will never all agree on something

and its not wrong to disagree

reasoned debate will see KS grow not petty squabbles

There is no reason why more people can't get involved but if you focus one person to liase back to SIDC thats cool.

Remember you don't need to be an RO to organise a meeting

You need someone to update calanders, receive emails from us that is Kent related, generally be a figure head

Pele has been a great RO

You guys want more

Then when you have the meeting perhaps Pele needs to delegate some of the workload if its too heavy


Someone has to make a decision every now and again

EG Tiny decided we would have Pink T shirts 2 years ago there were ALOT of people that said OVER MY DEAD BODY well the rest is history

Tiny also decided to go to some show at Lakeside a year or two .................. BIG MISTAKE but hey a decision was made and we attended, Tiny was not berated for it, It was a lesson learn't :(

So remember you will never all agree on something

and its not wrong to disagree

reasoned debate will see KS grow not petty squabbles

Fully Agree, Think a t-shirt colour has been decided and if people want them to show they are part of KS then all well and good, if they dont then thats personnal choice. KS can be a friendly place to meet new people, Pele is usually at the forefront especially when it comes to new members turning up, she also goes and introduces herself and others, All we need is people willing to help out and make it a members club, all take responsibility for its running and help Pele in whatever way is needed.

Just my views.


Pele are you there, you could of least replied to say you understand everyones concerns and will be happy to discuss matters at this meet, it's not as if you haven't been online and it's this sort of thing that makes people think you don't care anymore!!!

Pele are you there, you could of least replied to say you understand everyones concerns and will be happy to discuss matters at this meet, it's not as if you haven't been online and it's this sort of thing that makes people think you don't care anymore!!!



Just to clarify the current situation, Pele DOES NOT HAVE INTERNET ACCESS at mo, someone else has been logging in under her user name and checking emails and pm's for her which is why there are no posts from her. No doubt She would love to respond to posts that have been made but as she cannot read them then she cannot respond, Many people have the KS contact number so maybe give her a ring and see what her views are and post on her behalf.


I haven't posted or been to any meetings lately, and there are those of you that don't know me, or may say that it's none of my business. However, I am a (paid up) member of the SIDC, and have a right to vote for who I want as the Kent RO. As I haven't seen any alternative names proposed yet that would or could contribute as much as Pele has, she still has my vote.

In addition, don't confuse the role of the SIDC RO with that of running Kent Scoobies, although both jobs are carried out by Pele, and are unpaid, time consuming and thankless ones.

Mindful that Kent Scoobies and the SIDC are two different entities, if the Kent SIDC members are looking for a new RO, then I believe only full SIDC members should make proposals and cast a vote.

Having read a number of the posts on the subject, I have to add that I think it is insulting and damn rude that those that contribute nothing to SIDC and /or KS feel they have a right to lambast Pele when things don't go as they like, especially on an open forum for all to see.

For the record, I attended my first KS meeting nearly 2 years ago, and it was Pele who 1st introduced herself and welcomed me to the club. It was a club of 2 halves then, and sad to say remains so.


Posted (edited)
As I haven't seen any alternative names proposed yet that would or could contribute as much as Pele has, she still has my vote.

I have to add that I think it is insulting and damn rude that those that contribute nothing to SIDC and /or KS feel they have a right to lambast Pele when things don't go as they like, especially on an open forum for all to see.

[font="Comic Sans MS"]You've made two points which need to be addressed.

Firstly, at this stage no one has asked for names to be put forward as new R/O. Someone suggested that perhaps Granby should take on the role but no one, and quite rightly so, has asked for this to be seconded and furthermore he himself has not made any comment as to that proposal. In fact it was he who asked for Peles views on what had been going on. How matters proceed will surely be down to next Sundays meeting.

Secondly, I cannot see that anyone has 'lambasted' Pele. Dalthegooners initial thread simply asked whether now was perhaps the time to consider appointing a new R/O. He clearly felt, perhaps as other members of Kent Scoobies do, that a change at the top might help to drive the Club along. I cannot see any evidence of there being anything ".....insulting and damn rude....from those that contribute nothing to SIDC and/or KS......." Think carefully before pointing the finger again as you may find that some of these people have perhaps been more involved with SIDC and KS than you have over the last year or so.

Edited by BASER999

Please note this meet is to discuss the SIDC Kent Regional Organiser, as requested by Dal The Gooner. I'm afraid I only have an hour or two free as it is one of my rare weekends with my son and I like to do something with him.

We will meet outside the Wharf at 11.45 and I would like the meet to start at 12 sharp.

1. To confirm the actual role of the SIDC regional organiser for Kent, it seems that this has been confused with the KentScoobies Organiser, these are NOT one and the same.

2. What would you want from your Kent RO?

3. What would people suggest could be done to improve the RO situation?

Please be aware that this is a discussion not an argument and if it turns into an argument the meeting will be ended.

If people want to discuss KentScoobies then another meet will be arranged to do so.

Thank you for your time

Pele :D


As a fully paid up member of the SIDC for the last three years, I feel that I have done something to contribute to Kent Scoobies. When I bought my second car from then Subaru dealer Fox's, I asked if they would be willing to help sponsor the club by providing auction items in aid of the Richard Burn's Memorial Relay, which Dean (Scoobytoo) then organised for the Kent region. They was very willing to help after a number of phone calls from us, and offered two SWRT jackets as items, I also contacted Barrett's Motorsport of Canterbury, who also offered a number of great auction items. The RBMR was a major countrywide event, which Kent played a big part of, and I am sorry to say that the designated RO, did not organize Kent, someone else did, the point that was made in the original thread, that maybe it is time for a change. I have also represented "Kent Scoobies", at a number of national events, including the Southern Big One, which again I gave time and needed materials for the club stand. Also attended Trax, Time Attack Silverstone and Brands Hatch, Rally Day, various shows at Santa Pod and also Alton on behalf of Kent. You ask what "have these members done", well what have you done for Kent Scoobies. You talk about a divided club, well the one half that you and others seem happy to slag off, seems to me to be the half that has contributed more in the past, maybe you should get your facts straight. This type of thread, has not just been a recent one, two years ago, the same sort of points were made, and here we are again. I may not have a large post count, as I dont post often, but I read all the threads, to keep up to date with any events. In the past I regularly went to the monthly club meets, but recently have not been to as many, as to be honest with you, I dont want to go and stand in a pub, when I cant drink, as I driving, and would much prefer to meet up and then all go for a drive, wherever someone fancies going.

As a fully paid up member of the SIDC for the last three years, I feel that I have done something to contribute to Kent Scoobies. When I bought my second car from then Subaru dealer Fox's, I asked if they would be willing to help sponsor the club by providing auction items in aid of the Richard Burn's Memorial Relay, which Dean (Scoobytoo) then organised for the Kent region. They was very willing to help after a number of phone calls from us, and offered two SWRT jackets as items, I also contacted Barrett's Motorsport of Canterbury, who also offered a number of great auction items. The RBMR was a major countrywide event, which Kent played a big part of, and I am sorry to say that the designated RO, did not organize Kent, someone else did, the point that was made in the original thread, that maybe it is time for a change. I have also represented "Kent Scoobies", at a number of national events, including the Southern Big One, which again I gave time and needed materials for the club stand. Also attended Trax, Time Attack Silverstone and Brands Hatch, Rally Day, various shows at Santa Pod and also Alton on behalf of Kent. You ask what "have these members done", well what have you done for Kent Scoobies. You talk about a divided club, well the one half that you and others seem happy to slag off, seems to me to be the half that has contributed more in the past, maybe you should get your facts straight. This type of thread, has not just been a recent one, two years ago, the same sort of points were made, and here we are again. I may not have a large post count, as I dont post often, but I read all the threads, to keep up to date with any events. In the past I regularly went to the monthly club meets, but recently have not been to as many, as to be honest with you, I dont want to go and stand in a pub, when I cant drink, as I driving, and would much prefer to meet up and then all go for a drive, wherever someone fancies going.


Posted (edited)
Please note this meet is to discuss the SIDC Kent Regional Organiser, as requested by Dal The Gooner. I'm afraid I only have an hour or two free as it is one of my rare weekends with my son and I like to do something with him.

We will meet outside the Wharf at 11.45 and I would like the meet to start at 12 sharp.

1. To confirm the actual role of the SIDC regional organiser for Kent, it seems that this has been confused with the KentScoobies Organiser, these are NOT one and the same.

2. What would you want from your Kent RO?

3. What would people suggest could be done to improve the RO situation?

Please be aware that this is a discussion not an argument and if it turns into an argument the meeting will be ended.

If people want to discuss KentScoobies then another meet will be arranged to do so.

It's clear from the feelings of the postings on this issue that there are matters that need to be sorted over and above the question of the R/O. In the circumstances could I propose that the R/O matter be dealt with at the outset and then subject to the outcome and the numbers still there we try to resolve any other matters? This way you can get away early and perhaps we then save having to arrange another meeting or at the least, have the basis from which an agenda for that next meeting can be put together. [/font]

Edited by BASER999
It's clear from the feelings of the postings on this issue that there are matters that need to be sorted over and above the question of the R/O. In the circumstances could I propose that the R/O matter be dealt with at the outset and then subject to the outcome and the numbers still there we try to resolve any other matters? This way you can get away early and perhaps we then save having to arrange another meeting or at the least, have the basis from which an agenda for that next meeting can be put together. [/font]




Posted (edited)

If i recall the t-shirt colour which was chosen in the vote was grey and orange, which is what is being supplied, most of the members who voted for the grey and orange have no intention of purchasing the t-shirt anyway, that says all there is to say about the club and members.

Hopefully this club will remain and all the members that chose to stick with it regardless of the outcome have many happy years ahead of them within the club.

So how about lets the nit picking stop and discuss concerns at the designated meet.

And is this meet only for SIDC members as has been mentioned.

Edited by Scuzz
If i recall the t-shirt colour which was chosen in the vote was grey and orange, which is what is being supplied, most of the members who voted for the grey and orange have no intention of purchasing the t-shirt anyway, that says all there is to say about the club and members.

Hopefully this club will remain and all the members that chose to stick with it regardless of the outcome have many happy years ahead of them within the club.

I'm sure the colour is now going to be orange with black writing and logo, if you contact Big Jay he will be able to confirm :rolleyes:

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