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Tricky where you about ? as there aint many of us from the borders on here i'm just outside earlston and have a white 95 STi and would say have a look private if you can as there are loads of bargains going and when going for an older car there's no point paying a premium form a trader.

You might start out standard but guaranteed it won't stay that way [;)]



west linton steve

just moved - was told a very senior police bod lives nearby here. maybe explains why zero speed cameras on a702.

 clearly he doesn't need use the a68. used to be a great road for progressing on a quiet evening.


anywayz, still looking for something. at square 1 right now. currently debating engine bombproofness of classic scoobs....


has anyone ever done a "my scoob engine has done a zillion miles and is still mint" thread....not reassured by chocolate engine threads![*-)]


As long as there serviced and not thrashed when cold seem to be as good as any other but i have heard plenty stories of P1 and type R engine failures.

I looked at a STi wagon at cupar a while back which had a replacement engine and still rattled its **** off.

Useually a few on pistonheads and fleabay



I might be tempted to sell my V3 STi wagon. I've owned it 8 yrs now, standard engine except for full decat and k&n. Produced 326 bhp at 7,500 rpm at the Aberdeen SIDC RR day last year. Plenty standard newish cars in attendance to confirm that the RR readings were close to manufacturers numbers. 3rd most powerful car on the day and raised a lot of eyebrows;)

It's done 45k'ish miles and just had a new set of adj KYB/eibachs. Also sat on 18" OZ's that are unmarked.

I'd be looking for £6k (needs new front lip and paint and probably tyres but that'd be done if price was £6k)

It's been SORN'd since last Oct in the garage as we've another 3 cars that we use..

 Here's a pic on the RR (since fitted open neck downpipe, feels more powerful lower down now)

 Can't get the pics to insert so here's the link.






that sounds like a great price to someone with a wee one on the way!...

 where abouts are you?

 judging by the look of how clean it is, you've full service history etc?





that sounds like a great price to someone with a wee one on the way!...

 where abouts are you?

 judging by the look of how clean it is, you've full service history etc?


 Always done my own servicing, mech tech by trade so I wouldn't let any garage near it - at least I know the work is done properly:)

Being honest, it's never missed a beat in the 8 yrs I've had it, biggest job was the cambelt or replacing the suspension.

Just north of Aberdeen, bit of a trek to the borders I'm afraid.

I'm in no panic to sell, I've actually got my GTB up for sale just now, if that goes the STi will probably venture out of the garage and get tidied up ready for sale. If anyone is genuinely interested I'll happily take more pictures - might also consider letting it go a bit cheaper without doing the work I had planned.

p.s. have you ever thought about a Legacy GTB? - the extra room is a godsend with bairns and it's bl00dy quick, not as manic as the STi but when the 2nd turbo cuts in it will give the STi a good run. Faster top end, 168mph:)


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