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NO NO not the snow

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face-icon-small-sad.gifface-icon-small-sad.gifface-icon-small-sad.gif i hav no car due to a mix of snow,ice,wall and the front of my car

my air bag works what a f***er i had to find out only 1 hour ago still in shock lol

face-icon-small-sad.gifface-icon-small-mad.gifface-icon-small-sad.gif boo hoo my poor scooby



face-icon-small-sad.gifface-icon-small-sad.gifface-icon-small-sad.gifbad news not even jim can fix it lol

cant get insurance on a nother scoob so think il get a ford fukass till get no claim bon back up think il hav to nos it to gat the same fun as the scoob boo hoo me sad no dump valve but im goin to keep sum scoob in goin to make my firestorm back box and my K&N 57i fit wont sound as good face-icon-small-tongue.gifface-icon-small-sad.gifface-icon-small-sad.gifface-icon-small-sad.gif

hav to get nos for crail jus for u jaq lol



<< "hav to get nos for crail jus for u jaq" >>

LOL face-icon-small-happy.gif

next time at crail, to cheer u up u'll have to go down the strip in a real scooby then not an estate !! (as a passenger of course!)


Bad luck m8. Snow is always a lottery but experience is what counts. Had a big slide on sheet ice on the 21st but got it back. wheew. Drove over the drumochter last night and it was snowing hard. At those times you need a Sport!


I'm sorry to hear about your accident, but if it makes you feel any better, I did pretty much the same. Went round a corner on ice, and it was the choice of down a steep verge or use the wall to stop me, so I chose the wall. Not too bad damage, bent front wing, bent bonnet, and wrecked front bumper!!! It is like having a really close friend in hospital!!!

face-icon-small-confused.gif nothin yet dont know what to get a focus or an A3 il prob go for audi cos every 2nd cars a focus. get the audi jus for 2 years then back to scoob face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

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