The SIDC are pleased to announce that they will be in attendance at this years Trax 2008 show.
Date: Sunday 7th September 2008
Venue: Silverstone Race circuit.
Admission: £15 per person -- via the SIDC online shop
£15 SIDC Car stand pass -- SIDC Members ONLY....via the SIDC online shop
The shop will close for tickets on Monday 4th August.
We have secured a club display area for 90 cars on the same great spot as last year.
This gives the club great access to the rest of the show and is great for the paying public to view our club stand.
The club area is open to SIDC Members only and you must purchase a car pass to gain entry onto the club stand.
The final round of the 2008 Show & Shine competition will also take place here.Full details will be posted in the Show & Shine section in the coming weeks
What's On:
****Loads of Trade stands ****
**** 1000's of Club Display's****
**** Track action****
**** Lot's of fantastic cars ****
****Drifting Demos*****
****0-60mph Sprint****
****EMMA Ice Village****
All in all I expect this show to be a corker, and probably one of the best of the Year.