As you may have read on the home page Powerstation in Tewkesbury are having an open day with various things going on during the day including a FREE Dyno shoot out.
We have been personaly invited to have a stand there for the day. I am hoping to get 50 cars turn up but we have been challanged to get 100 cars...
Powerstation Open Day
Along with the FREE Dyno shoot out there will be a DJ playing mustc all day and if we get a good turn out of cars they will lay on a BBQ. They have also told me that there will be some great discounts on the day for MY94- MY08 so for those last minute mods this could be a great chance to bag a bargin.
This is open to all SIDC Members so lets all get together and show people we can do this. There should also be press at the show so you never know we might even get into a magazine as well.
Please add your name to the list below and if you cam pm me your membership details that would be great.