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Everything posted by richard_chung

  1. Lai Ho Ma, a belated 'Kung Hei Fat Choi' to you! Hope you are having a good Chinese New Year, I had a quiet one which was pretty nice and relaxing.[H] Rich.
  2. Hi all, Thanks for the messages so far, much appreciated![] I will be looking out for Imprezas from now on, usually I just concentrate on the road and not on passing cars. I saw a blue STi a wee while back with a 'SCOTTISH SCOOBIES' window sticker on its rear window but wasn't sure to wave or not as I wasn't a member yet so I didn't. It was an early morning on the M8 to Edinburgh, just passing Livingston I think. It followed me for a little bit and then sped onwards. If that was you then 'Greetings' to you! Rich.
  3. Hey Stephen, how are things? You playing golf with the DivITs on the 20th? I can't play as I am on a course. Not sure about mods, right now I got my heart set on a high-speed orbital buffer that I need to import from USA! It means I can buff swirl marks out of the clearcoat, although if I get it wrong I will be taking the paint off too! Rich.
  4. Hi there, Just thought I should use my first post to say 'Hello' to everyone. Been lurking on the forums for the last 4 months so I finally decided to become a member myself. My name is Richard, I am located in Hamilton and I bought my WRX from Motorpoint last Jan. Originally I was intending to get a VW Golf 2.0 GT diesel as I travel to Edinburgh for work, but after sitting in St3ph3n's Black WRX before Christmas of 2004 I decided to get a Scooby too as I was so impressed with it. Haven't modded it at all as I am saving up to buy a house in the near future, instead I am spending spare cash on carcare products to make it look good! Anyway enough yakking from me, hope to catch you guys around sometime! Rich.
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