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Hi ho silver

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Everything posted by Hi ho silver

  1. Thanks for comments and instructions everyone. I will take up with Subaru dealer and see if I can get it sorted as I have a full extended warranty oustanding. I had tried zapping my key fob all over the place ie footwell, under bonnet but not over wipers -will try next time !!
  2. I have a 2001 Y plate WRX . I have twice been the victim of having my alarm system/immobiliser rendered useless by radio masts blocking my key fob signals. This is apparently caused by new digital transmissions by police and emergency services from masts I have parked next to. The problem is being caused to other cars as well ie Audi,Mercedes ,Rover etc according to the breakdown service who got me going again. The first time it happened was the car park at Livingston shopping centre. Yesterday it was at Bankhead Drive Edinburgh next to Arnold Clark Nissan dealership. Symptoms are that the car will not lock on the key fob and the immobiliser cuts in and will not unset. The fail - safe hard wired keypad alternative is difficult to operate and on both occasions it has locked out on me after three attempts to get it to accept my pin number.The first breakdown guy said you have to zap in the numbers fast , the Subaru assist operator told me to wait until the LED on the keypad flashed after keying in the numbers- the subaru manual just says key in the pin code and nothing else about waiting for LED flashing. The second breakdown guy gave up with the keypad and towed me a good distance away from the mast and I was able to start the car normally. After my first experience I got somehwere with the keypad by managing to set the system but it would not unset with the result I was left with the alarm system blasting- much to my great embarassment- needless to say no one paid any attention anyway though the breakdown guy found my car very quickly!! I am not sure whether this has already been covered in the forum but as I am not a regular poster would be pleased if someone can answer the following. 1. What are Subaru and other members saying about this?- it is totally unacceptable to me to have to search the skyline for masts before I park up. 2. What are the exact instructions for operating the security keypad- ie relevance of flashing LED. My Subaru Assistance warranty runs out soon and I am damned if I am paying for recovery when it happens again.
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