Alright guys and gals,
Picked up my new car today - MY05 WRX in crystal grey metallic. Got it new from motorpoint in glasgow. I was a bit worried about buying an import, but i needed have been. The car is awesome and the service was good.
Unfortunately i received a letter yesterday from the Lothian and Borders "Safety" camera partnership, telling me i'd been clocked driving along the main dual carriageway in Livingston (which used to be a 70mph limit but was recently dropped to a 50mph) at 82mph in my old Ford ST170. Obviously i was gutted because it'll mean my clean license will maybe soon have about 6 points on it, plus a meaty fine and a 2-4 week ban, subject to a court appearance. I accept the punishment as i regularly used to drive that speed on that road, but i'm worried that i might also have been caught a couple of days later by the same van (stupid stupid stupid) - thankfully going a bit slower this time.
My question is, do any of you guys know any decent law firms who specialise in speed camera cases? I've never had to deal with anything like this before so i've no idea where to start. Any advice you could give me would be much appreciated.
Thankfully when i told this insurance company this morning when i was buying insurance for the scooby, they said it wouldn't affect my premiums till i renew next year, so that offsets some of the cost for a bit. I'm paying £650 just now for a 29yr old (and wife), full protected no claims, no accidents or convictions (until now). Any idea what i can expect it to rise to?
Not the best way to start my first subaru ownership - i'll be driving it like a granny cos i'm scared of getting caught again!