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About john_baldock

  1. come on it will be a real giggle and a good chance to meet all the regulars []
  2. Hooray [] see you ther Deb's never mind little H we will tell you all about it , i'm round at Big Brothers tomorrow to watch the football .
  3. I take it nobody from Kent wishes to go then [] Shame as it will be a right laugh based on ones i have attended before .
  4. I take it no body wishes to go from SWS []
  5. I take no body wish to go from CAD'S then []
  6. Ticket sales will end on 31st May . So don't delay book today []
  7. Ticket sales will end on 31st May . So don't delay book today []
  8. Ticket sales will end on 31st may . So don't delay book today
  9. Ticket sales will end on 31st may . So don't delay book today []
  10. Ticket sales will end on 31st may . So don't delay book today !
  11. If cost is a factor why not spread the cost over the comming months , buy your tickets monthy rather than in one go .
  12. Tickets are selling fast , don't leave it to the last knockings and be disapointed []
  13. Tickets are selling fast , don't leave it to the last knockings and be disapointed ]" src="/emoticons/emotion-2.gif">
  14. Tickets are selling fast , don't leave it to the last knockings and be dissapointed []
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