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Everything posted by Sassy!!!

  1. Here is a piccy of the exact spoiler the daddy is talking about Type R Spoiler
  2. Sorry guys not gonna make this one
  3. Am glad I was able to help out (kept me out of trouble for a couple of weeks anyway!!) it all seemed to go with a swing Dare say some of the lads thought it was xmas with some of the models we had along with us They are brave girls, thats for sure, I think I will stick to polishing me car and organising the stand tho!!!
  4. Hello and Welcome
  5. hello and welcome
  6. << That teach you not to go to the shows with us. No doubt these models will all be with us next time. I still think next time we need some hunky male models. >> Did suggest that we should start a new trend and have some male models up there but no one was keen!!! I totally agree Treesy, next time I think we should arrange the models, what you reckon?
  7. Oooooooo you got lots of piccys of my baby (she looks mighty fine!!!) Will post my piccys, as soon as I have managed to download them...left my camera cable at work and am on holiday now for a week will have to wait till next week i'm afraid!!! got some goodun's tho Sorry I didnt really get a chance to speak to many people on sunday, was run off my feet trying to organise models, flyers and all the rest of that malarkee!!!
  8. There is still time if anyone would like to help out?
  9. Just wanted to say a big, big, big thank you to The Daddy, for the Excellent Re-spray and spoiler fit on my baby She looks fantastic, can't wait to show her off!!!!
  10. Very smart Looks and sounds like you had a really good day
  11. You wouldnt want to know Oh yes we would, I've heard stories of how clean and tidy your garage is
  12. i will donate a £20 gift voucher for Halfords, courtesy of LARKINS AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES (L.A.S) YOUR LOCAL MOBILE MECHANIC 07950953824 >> Thanks Deano, that's fantastic I will make sure all your flyers go out
  13. Thanks Treesy, you're a lil' star
  14. I just wanted to elaborate on this a bit!!!! The Daddy has a stand at the Kent Modded Show on Sunday and a prize draw is being held with all proceeds going to the Kent Air Ambulance. If anyone who has a business and would like one of our stunning models to hand out some flyers for you or if you are just feeling generous and feel that you can help with donations for the draw please can you PM me. Thanks Phil for the offer of Champagne I may have to put those in a safe before Sunday otherwise they may get drunk?.the bubble go straight to my head you know!!! Please if you have any queries, or as said before, would just like to donate then please PM me... Thanks Jules
  15. Didnt realise this existed either I'm a Helpdesk & Network Manager for the education sector working out of Gravesend!!!
  16. << if i go im wearing my pink thong........................... >> Thought you were into lacy shorts not thongs You always complain that thongs are too painful for you
  17. Happy Birthday matie, hope you have a good one
  18. << dont know if i will have the engine back in by then.... the bits list just keeps going on and on and on and on and on................. >> you mean like you just keep going on and on and on and on and on and on and on!!!!!!!
  19. << Looks Like you got plenty of time to waste instead of working Ha Ha >> Perks of having a decent job!!!
  20. Top Brass Matie Got some very strange looks for playing this one in the office
  21. Hmmmmm I know the feeling What to do???
  22. Sassy!!!


    Hello and welcome Have seen you around sittingbourne
  23. dun worry about it wot do you reckon to the hats?
  24. Exactly!!!
  25. So long as we can wear the silly glasses too lol
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