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billy the fish

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Posts posted by billy the fish

  1. Good morning

                               Hi iv been away from Scoob's for a while and after some info, does anyone know here I can get 4 Wheel geometry done in the midlands? im presently trying to descale the underside of MY 53 STI and taking all suspension off so il need it doing when I put it back together also does anyone have the "fast road settings" that TSL used to do before they closed down?

  2. friday nights where guys? lol if im around on a friday soon il defo pop in and catch up iv just got a few things on at home that i need to keep my weekends to myself up the line (Notts) but i somtimes dont get off till late friday i could pop in on my up north lol

  3. hi Ed well if anything does come up that i cann make it too im sure il pop along lol just need the time dont think il be up to much over w/ends at the moment though i got alot to do at home lol any in week meets i might have a bash at lol il keep my eys peeled on here

    nice to see everyone and hello to all that i have not yet met lol

  4. yeah ok thanks bud...........soldierng on as one does :lol:

    so you got one car or two nower days?, greedy guts lol hows things down here is their still monthly meets? might try the odd one if i get time to myself been busy up the ying yang lol

  5. hopefully it was a special pressy for my 30th lol we had a BBq to celebrate on saturday in the rain lol il try and get a photo done then post it but it may be a few days yet lol im still getting back on my feet being home


  6. had a loverly birthday pressy if i can get a photo done of it ilbring it and show you its great


    you remember i went to rally GB last December i got some curtessy cards and got them signed by petter criss atkinson and phil mills well becky got me them all aranged and framed around a picture of a 2007 scoob looks realy nice the framers got loads of intrest with people wanting to buy it its made my whole year ;) 

  7. thanks guys

    with a bit of luck i will make the july meet then im on leave at home for a while lol got a feeling most of that will be sorting the car out hopefully wont be doing any long deployments for a while :)

  8. i feel for you all they are just scum and not very bright to boot


    my m8 had his car a sheddy old MK2 opel cadet ther was nothing in it worth anything even sterio didnt work he used to leave the car unloked coz it wasnt worth anything


    thieving stupid idiots still took a screwdriver to his locks (car was open) and nicked a sterio that didnt work

  9. lol it will do when the money actualy reaches my acount lol

    il try and make the meet but at the moment im working week to week not knowing what im up to il let you know moor detail when if i make it to the meet


    by the way tell jamin from me that skid controll course came in very handy the othere week went round a round about i usualy take at 60 at roughly 20 didnt know a fuel bowser spilt its load there day befor no tell tale signs like oil on top of the rain water etc just went strait into a 4 wheel skid sideways strait towards a high kerb and brick wall managed to sort it out then go 4 wheel sideways the other way as i came of the round about

    needles to say it was very alarming at time but the 50 odd quid probably saved me loads in repairs that week lol

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