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Everything posted by swanie

  1. John s Me and david will be at knockhill in the morning of the 11th to do diagnostics. Please let people know when signing on that we will be in the pits for them to have this done and to bring themselfs with members card to the A W D area to get this done. Grant
  2. Good idea John will speak to david about this Grant
  3. The last opendayday of this year here @ A W D Motorsport in perth. Yes its the last one for all you s.i.d.c members this year to get your free diagnostic and car check. tea and buns on the day with good friendly banter with scottish members. Come on all you glasgow members, we need to meet more of you so make the effort and head through. Following week Knockhill for the hot hatch spectacular and the chance to get your name on the Gary Mcmullan Memorial sheild if you enter the drag event for best car and driver on the day voted by the crowd so come on you subaru owners lets see a turn out to be proud of. Grant
  4. We do not do this in house we use target tyres as they have the best 4 wheel aligment equipment in tayside about £45 - £70 they can do it on saturdays before midday Grant
  5. Sat 17th July (summer openday) We are still waiting on Conformation yet but fast and modified are coming to our next openday for the S.I.D.C members that we hold here at A W D in Perth, to see all your cars for a feature in the mag We will still be doing our bit to help all subaru owners with our free diagnostics service and tea and buns for you all NOTE We need a ruff idea on the numbers that will be attending so we can let fast and modified know. Post below if your going to make it Grant edited to make it sticky for 22 days
  6. Yes it's only a few weeks away to our next openday for all you S.I.D.C Members Open at 10am on sat You can get a free yes free subaru select monitor check done on you car if you are a current member (proof needed) These are very popular days for members to meet each other and put a face to the name Also if you are doing knockhill the following week you can have your brakes checked for free too We will be doing our usuall deals on the day on stock items so if you are looking for a part for your car wait till the 22nd and save ££££££ LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YA ALL GRANT SWAN A W D MOTORSPORT
  7. We will be holding our next openday for all S.I.D.C. members and friends at our new unit (round the corner) on SATURDAY THE 13TH MARCH 2004 DATES FOR FURTHER OPEN DAYS AS FOLLOWS- 22ND MAY 17TH JULY 4TH SEPTEMBER ALL SATURDAYS A week before knockhill track day's THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED WHEN WE PUT OUT FOR FEED-BACK LAST YEAR You can get free select monitor check on your car and also we are offering a full brake inspection on your car.Hydraulic components & fluid condition, and a check & measure of all friction components.Winter takes its toll on your brakes, so be safe & have them checked by professionals!! We will also be taking bookings for servicing with a larger discount than normal on the day this is a very good deal... so be there...can you afford not to . We have extended our discount to you all with a further 10% off our normal labour rate (WHEN GETTING PERFORMANCE UPGRADES ONLY)
  8. Our next open day is the weekend before next track day at knockhill We are doing a full free brake check and clean on all members cars as well as the free select monitor checks for you all The brake check is important as your brakes take a lot throught the grit/ice times of the year ,so let us check them (FREE) to S.I.D.C members ONLY We have moved round the corner to our new custom built workshops in Perth same place as before just on the right I look forward to seeing you all and have a good year Grant@awdmotorsport.com
  9. We will be having our s.i.d.c. MEMBERS open day in march what saturday would be best for you all ?l et us know. Free diagnostics on our select monitor on you're subaru ,lots of goodies for you to see i.e parts ,newproducts(lots off) and a 500bhp+ evo 6 under development A W D'S racing pulsar (ROCKET) 11 second car. no demo's on day not road legal (yet) Look forward to seeing you all soon Free tea and buns,cookies too. I will make sure Grant Swan
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