hey billy hows it going? im good, car now in hibernation for the winter im afraid, grasshopper what year and model is your car and ill look out for you? not been on here in ages too busy with work and stuff.
will do mate, got things on this weekend as im going to knockhill on sunday, you should go, its a jap performance weekend or something, there will be loads of cars on the track and on show, maybe see you there?
just came back from here today. what a turn out, we need to organise this for ourselves as im sure wed get a huge turnout too. there is loads of room and the carparks are good, no parking in muddy fields etc. plenty for folks to do once the show is dying out. all in all a great day out. the rsoc have proved its a good venue, its their fourth year in a row there so why cant we get this kinda thing organised as im sure a lot of folks would be interested in meeting up there for a bleather and a pose. saw a few scoobys there so there are obviously lots of folk champing at the bit to get their car polished and show it off!. anyone got any ideas as to when and who wants to organise it? or do you think its not such a good idea.?
billy whereabouts are you from? then maybe we can arrange a suitable venue, oh and i forgot to say ill only be there if its dry ( lol car doesnt like the rain) cheers, steven.
lol with a name like that what are you doing on here at that time?? you should be watching the football like me , what a game, all credit to dundee but the gers were class. championeeeessss!! will have to see who else wants to meet up and decide on a venue.
for sale :- tsl firestorm backbox, only done 100 miles, like new. has a small sti pink logo on it added by me, cost £370 will accept £250 no offers and would prefer someone from scotland to collect it or ill meet with you somewhere as dont want the hassle with postage etc.