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Posts posted by GaryS

  1. as the mug who came up with the idea....

    More than happy for a Kent Santa Cruise next year ...Essex guys are looking at one too...

    but only if you can make it viable...nothing worse than promising something to a home/hospital and then struggling to deliver..

    you guys are pretty organised...so...I don't see that side of it being a snag..

    the other thing is that we do organise some things centrally. (stickers, the auction , etc...)so I'd need a clear point of contact.

    but , in principle.....go for it face-icon-small-happy.gif

  2. have to second Phil's sentiment....

    When I came up with the idea last year, it was to bring happiness and help to those that need it..both last year and this year I have been a little saddened by the fact that only a few people (less than 200 nationwide) get really involved, but the point is not to dwell on that, but on the amazing good that less than 200 people can do and the impact they make...

    it's not a regional organiser thing , it's not a them and us thing....it's just a GOOD THING...

    you guys are doing well up there, we'll be thinking of you on the 12th when we do the Southern run too..

    PM me if you need anything...it's my job* face-icon-small-wink.gif

    *job = unpaid, voluntary but ultimately satisfying extra work face-icon-small-happy.gif

  3. sounds like things are progressing well... glad to see it....

    If anyone bids and wins in the auction ( in the Santa Cruise forum) the payment will go to the regional cruise of the winners choice.

    2 things to think about.

    1: access to the kiddies, it should only be under staff/parent supervision, it's a sad reflection of the world we live in, but keep it in mind.

    2: Photos.....many hospitals will not allow pics of the kids in their care to be taken, again, with parental permission you'll be OK.

    as for rides??? get the hospital to get the parents in that day and then suggest to the relevant "DAD" that lil billy might want a ride in a scooby and HE CAN COME TOO, and you'll be fine face-icon-small-wink.gif

    Claire - I touch goats ref banner...

  4. sounds good folks....we've kicked off a central forum HERE to co-ordinate this years Santa Cruise efforts...

    Yorkhill sounds like a fantastic idea....we avoided Christmas Day itself last year...but whatever is gonna work for you...

    keep up the good work..

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