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About scoobyfuzzy

  1. grant, ive sent u a pm regarding this situation fuzzy
  2. am from glenrothes, in kirkcaldy alot, would post a pic of ma car, but not allowed as ma website name is accross both sides of it, its a my93 wrx import fuzzy
  3. hey barry, am in glenrothes aswell, no doubt ive seen u about, no been on heere for a while, been too busy with ma business will see ya soon also higgy, i will try n make the meet, if am no to busy with ma business fuzzy
  4. ive not seen the car mayself, but yeah it was pretty damaged fuzzy
  5. yup indeed they have, wouldnt like to be in there shoes at the moment fuzzy
  6. there was 1 of these at crail on sunday, very quick, cant mind wot it done the 1/4 mile in, but it was keeping up with the motorbikes, think it was low 10`s or something fuzzy
  7. i wasnt there when it happened, i was heading to glenrothes, n he was heading to to the tay bridge. fuzzy
  8. yeah it was max power mag day, also guys, iv been informed that theres cars are from dundee, so all u guys from dundee, watch out for these cars, if any r known or seen in dundee, could u please let me know cheers fuzzy
  9. has been reported, but never got back to him fuzzy
  10. i was at crail yesterday with another forum, after we left crail, one of the members was followed by 5 cars, Silver Saxo either VTR or VTS - Reg X665 YSF, Yellow Fiat Punto GT Turbo - Reg unknown, Red Pug 206 (poss GTI) with big flared alloys and the crail "Pig" logo on back bumper - Reg not known, Red Escort RS Turbo MK2 - Reg not known, and a Silver Pug 206 - Reg not known, these cars run the members car off the road in st andrews, then took metal poles to the car n smashed it up, the guy had done nothing wrong and the attack was unprovoked, just thot id lets u`s know about it, n keep an eye out for any off these cars, they need to be caught for it fuzzy
  11. yeah i was meaning the dastek chip fuzzy
  12. hi andy, not asking cos am working fo dastek, just wonder how different ur mapping is to the dastek mapping, obviously with working at dastek i know about they piggy back system n that, but didnt know the way u map cars, just curious about how different the two are, thats all, not trying to step on any1s toes or anything, as i said, was just curious fuzzy
  13. just curious, cos wot ive learnt about the piggyback chips, is pretty much similar to wot uve just said fuzzy
  14. hey guys, just a wee question ive been wondering about, most guys on here go2 MR F for mapping of their cars, how different is that to piggyback chips etc? pro`s and con`s? fuzzy
  15. i wouldnt get toyo t1-r`s for the winter, yeah there good in the dry n wet, but useless in the snow, i had toyo`s on last winter and didnt like them at all, the prada`s have been recommended to me for the winter, so il be getting them put on fuzzy
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