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About dave_thorbinson

  1. Currently being discussed in Kent Scoobies section: http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/thread/899358.aspx
  2. OK, I know I've sold the scoob, but intend to keep my membership up so hope no-one minds me adding my 2p re Bob's post about flyering cars: As well as SIDC/CADS, I've been into old air cooled VW for 16 years or so - long before I had internet access to research owners clubs. Anyway, years ago I found out about the Liverpool VWOwnersClub because someone put a business card type flyer under under my windscreen wiper. Curiously, my vw was flyered again in a carpark in StHelens last week, advertising a Warrington independant VWOC. Is there any reason why we cant get a load of small, smart flyers (or even business cards) printed, distribute to existing CADS so they can pop one under the windscreen wiper of scoobs that they see parked up? Sure this will have been thought of before, but it seems like a good idea to me. It may not have occurred to new owners to go looking for a club, so this might just spur them on. Dave.
  3. Yeah. I'll still be around... you don't get rid of me that easily. See you all soon, Dave.
  4. Well the day has been on the cards for a while, (mainly since we were burgled for the keys to my car), but I have finally had to bite the bullet and now the scoob is gone [:'(] It was a very difficult decision to make as the scoob was by far and away the best car I've ever owned, not only from a performance point of view [], but also from the cameraderie with the other owners on SIDC forums, Snet, but especially all of the CADS. Although I'm now sad and scoobless, I'll still come to the meets every now and again, although I promise to park my replacement car (don't ask.. [:$]) well away from all of the nice ones. On the up side, Em and I are looking to move to a house with a garage in the next year or so, and at that point the search for Scoob number 2 will start.... Drive safe, and take care all of you CADS. Dave.
  5. St Lucia eh!!! Very nice [ip]! Welcome back mate![Y]
  6. Yeah, think it's more likely to go than not at the moment [:'(] for a number of reasons, mostly stemming from the fact that we were broken into for the keys for it. If it has to go, it'll be a sad day for me. I'll keep in touch even if it does go though as it's still the best car I've ever owned....
  7. I've used both, and for my money I prefer Prosport. That said, quite a few CADs seem happy with CAS, and others seem happy with Prosport (conversely some have issues with Prosport and others have issues with CAS). I guess you know what Prosport are like as you've been there, so if I were you, pay CAS a visit (if you haven't already), have a chat with them and make up your mind from there. Hope this helps, Dave. (Hello and welcome also!!!).
  8. No worries mate - hope you get sorted! Dave.
  9. I also have an original downpipe cat (MY99 classic) - you're welcome to borrow it, and no urgency to get it back straight away (I have a sport cat downpipe and decat centre on mine now, so no MOT probs, but keeping the original just in case I ever put the car back to std). I'm 5 mins off junction 7 M62 if it's any use.... Dave.
  10. As well as scoobs, I'm really into motorbikes.... and when I was young and foolish (rather than the older and more foolish that I am now []) I bought a Triumph Speed Triple (very quick and pretty light) and spent a lot of time learning how to do stunts - wheelies, stoppies, burnouts etc (all on private land, of course []). I got called a 'stuntmonkey' by a fellow biker, and it kind of stuck. I ride a big, heavy trail bike at the moment (BMW R1200GS) which isn't so good for that kind of shenannigans, so I'm pretty well behaved now.
  11. 100% will be there but for about 5 mins then I've got to shoot off. See you in about an hour! Dave.
  12. Best Wishes mate! Dave.
  13. Steve, I touch goats. I will get there if I can. I have plans already, but they are very weather dependant so could get cancelled. Cheers, Dave.
  14. I finally made it this time (although the scoob didn't [])!!! See you at the next one Steve!
  15. Please pass on best wishes from Em and I too. Dave.
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