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Everything posted by A-J

  1. Didn't see your car Tud! In the end there were only 3 scoobies! MY00 Red mica (me and other half), MY03 WRX blue and a MY97 (think) in silver. What I found strange was nobody came to judge the cars but the MY97 won!!! We were told that 8 were supposed to have been coming and then it changed to only 3 but tbh our car and the MY03 just turned up on the day! Very poor turnout indeed! AJ
  2. I did Hamilton to Tynemouth in 1 hour 50 and that was including getting stopped by the police for speeding. My mum had had a heart attack and the police were very nice and I only got afixed penalty and 3 points instead of a ban! My folks live there so I know the roads VERY well now and a few wee back roads that are fun!! I'm definitely up for this and it depends how I get on with my course as to what I will be driving! Can I take the wee fella on ?? Could be interesting for my passenger though with the car I have Ferry Site at Rosyth
  3. Newcastle is only an hour and a half from Edinburgh and from Glasgow 2 and a half hours! Only I have done it in a lot less! I definitely want to go on this as I have always wanted to go !
  4. What about the ferry from Newcastle? It leaves about 5.30 and you arrive in Holland about 7 or 8 the following morning. Very reasonable fares too. Just a thought and it isn't that far into England to travel either!
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