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tiny gsy

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About tiny gsy

  1. Maybe worth enquiring if you can get upstairs in one of the houses to get a shot of all the cars on the clos
  2. Why not get a group picture on the day and get that printed and sent on after as a permanent reminder
  3. Happy birthday mate hope you enjoyed your cake
  4. Glad you.re settling back in :-) hope you enjoyed your cake
  5. From what i remember it will generally be worst in third gear. Try pulling away in third and see what happens. Have a look for group buys for clutches you can normally pick up a good deal
  6. Thanks guys. kylie, were you on the run down to dawlish a couple of years ago from exeter services?
  7. Helloooooooooooooooooooo everybody, its been a while!!!!! So much has changed since I used to be a forum regular! Obviously the first change was swapping the v3 sti for a Lexus IS200. Such a different car to what I`d been used to in my early twenties. Since then I`ve added a 1.2 nova too which I have to admit I prefer driving Next change is I`m due to be married in 5 weeks but by far the biggest addition to my life over the last couple of years has been my little boy Harvey. He turned 7 months old yesterday and believe me those 7 months, and the 9 months before that have been full of ups and downs but I can honestly say I`m a very proud daddy to an amazing little boy Also you`ll all be pleased to know he already has a keen interest in cars Now its been a little while since I`ve done all this but hopefully this picture will work lol hope you`re all well Tiny
  8. welcome home mate
  9. i`m still here guys, even with the Lexus. Even made a brief appearance in the UK a couple of weekends ago
  10. not too bad to be honest me, stll hurts a bt but it should be fully healed soon
  11. You`d be surprised how much of a difference it actually is mate to be fair. Not only that but there`s nowhere I could play over here in the scoob as the roads just aren`t big enough for anything other than a quick blip of the throttle. When I first got into scoob ownership I was living with my parents but since my stepdad ran off with my now ex-missus, I now have to pay all the rent and bills so it would have taken me a long time to get the scoob to a stage I was happy with. Stum450N, yes mate although I`ve never owned a sport I`ve been on ISN for a good few years now, always found it quite welcoming
  12. well the scoob had got to the point that I found it noisy and took too much effort to drive it to work every day. Not only that but with mine only doing 100 miles per tank of fuel it was costing a fortune to run, insure and especially maintain. I still had a list as long as my arm that I wanted to do to it but didn`t want to put any more money towards it after the amount it had cost me since I`d owned it. Also, after twice having the heads done, I didn`t have the confidence in its reliability any more to take it over to the mainland to see you lot but Iknew that it was killing it beng stuck over here all the time. Now that I`ve sold it though, it will be dead soon as even though I did tell them, the newones insist on driving everywhere with the antilag switched on! The Lexus, is comfortable, more economical and a completely different sort of car to which I am actually much happier with. Its got heated, electrically adjustable seats, a 6 speed gearbox and surprisingly, considering I`m 6 foot 4 I have plenty of headroom. I`m hoping to be over in the next few months for a weekend so if all works to plan I`ll hopefully be seeing some of you then
  13. Couldn`t post them until I`d cleaned it could I Forgot how much effort clay barring is though lol
  14. just hobbling, been back at work a week and a half now but got another 4 weeks until its healed
  15. it dragged on and on mate, got another 4 weeks before its healed yet apparently as well. Been back at work a week already but its been really sore. Nothing they can do to help it though
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