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CJ Scooby

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About CJ Scooby

  1. << Me canning the Cyprus trip and telling er in doors that i will be away for two weeks without her and knowing she will miss two weeks in the Cyprus sun may result in me either disappearing without trace or living in a bachelor pad for the near future. >> Look..... Just tell the missus that Cyprus is going to be full of rally louts and not worth the hassle - noise, petrol fumes etc Then tell her that Trier is a very romantic old Roman town with pleanty to see particularly in the surrounding area - vineyards, panzerplatte etc. Also add that Finland is also very romantic at that time of year and that you want to share the scenery with her (don't mention that it will be full of rally cars!) Add the promise of a romantic meal for two (we'll probably all p!ss off and leave you to it.... but then again..) SOLD! Or just do a runner in the scoob under the cover of darkness and return a few days later with total amnesia! Sorted? << (I just *have* to drive that bridge). >> Oh yes, OH YES!!!
  2. << So confused what to do >> Simple - give Cyprus a miss. Go to Germany and watch the rally there, take an extra day or two in the area and then drive on to Finland! If the WRC calendar is to be believed they are only a week apart! Now how's that for a trip, it will probably mean taking a fortnight off work but two rallies and all that driving around Europe/Scandinavia in a scoob convoy....... got to be worth it
  3. List so far. 1 Warby & Em Warby. 2 Mass. 3 Gumball. 4 Sped & Diane. 5 CJ ( subject to the date not clashing with a planned trip to Peru )
  4. Yo Al! my man Good to see you back on the forum but not so good to see the state of your scoob What happened? Did you let them live? "Hola" to your good lady from me
  5. << It makes it for me when there's all the scoobs in convoy >> Ooooh yes!
  6. As Markie said - You rascal! I am having great difficulty sitting here thinking of Germany, looking at my avitar and thinking about what a crack it would be to go to Finland and then being rational You, you, you RASCAL! Warby! PS: Seriously, thanks for doing all the research on this
  7. << £1000 just for the boat >> Ouch! But that was the sensible part of me asking!!! Guess unlike Dover /Calais those routes are not at all competitive hence the prices Now, this big drive through nothern Europe into Scandanavia with a Petter convoy at the end of it.... what a hell of an experience that would be! I'm getting excited in my chair just sitting here thinking about it << Calm down Chris, be sensible, calm down, be sensible calm down..... >> But it all does kinda make sense
  8. PIcs, pics, pics! We demand pics!
  9. I'm well mate - cheers! Things good with you? Dover is much closer for me too and the journey to Finland would be awsome but .... we need to think of the cost of all that Vmax and the various crossings plus any overnight stops if required. Also need to think about the time needed off work for the round trip --- could turn it into a touring holiday through Scandanavia though! I'm soooo tempted but the sensible side of me is saying BE SENSIBLE and think before diving in I wonder if SIDC would sponsor us to do it so that we could do an article for True Grip?
  10. Errrr, Ferry - Newcastle to Scandanavia ? It's a bit of a shorter drive
  11. << Em says hello mate >>
  12. I'm well thanks boyo... Swissoled the scoob this afternoon so am well happy Trust that your good lady is well too... pass on my regards and a hug
  13. Just been looking at the thread - congratulations mate! Nice one! PS: Don't forget the pics when the deed is done
  14. Just thought that I would pop in and wish you guys all the best in your new home
  15. Be rude not to! 1.Warby & Em Warby 2. Mass 3. CJ
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