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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Hello Q Person with same Surname here! Ive still got a Scoob and I still venture in here every 6 months or so. Maybe catch up with you at another meet if and when you get a Scoob. Stuart
  2. I seem to have had 2 Kenwood units do this. My current automatic flip down unit in my Scoob has just lost its lights - and the buttons dont work. Which means I cant put play CD's and for the past week im stuck listening to Capital radio at a certain volume, regardless whether there is a signal or not. Cant afford a £70 repair or buying a new one at the moment so I might resort to putting the original unit back in. I would be interested in the details of the fault/repair as I may have a go doing it myself Stuart
  3. Sorry people but I'm afraid I can no longer make it next Saturday so I am going to have to drop out. I am gutted as I was really looking forward to it. I will certainly be up for another one. Stuart (Stuart Smile!??)
  4. The List 1. Pele 2. Loony Toon 3. Deani_age 4. loonybin 5. GARTH W 6. dazzler 7. Nudge 8. elliot wrx (tbc) :Ptongue.gif 9. h17upt (aaron p1) 10. col_2 11. Gary May 12. Shiralee 13. Stuart Spectators 1. Scuzz? 2. 3.
  5. Just an update.. I have had my car serviced at Barrets of Canterbury. They were reasonably expensive but basically I was impressed. Customer service I cant fault. Richard Whitefoord is the contact for Subaru serviceTel 01227 864575 very professional and accomodating. He also has an Impreza so probably understands. On my 30,000 mile service, I wanted Goodrich SS braided break lines fitted (which I supplied), and specifically high grade (dot 5.1) brake fluid used. They did this although you could argue that I have no way of knowing if they did use the expensive fluid. They also knocked the price off for the air filter which I fitted myself. (k&n). My car also got a wash which is all good for that customer satisfaction. Total price £498. Stuart
  6. Thanks everyone. I hope that this post is helpful to others aswell so maybe people can add there experiences. I have had all the services so far on this car carried out by Walldonway, but this time after reading responses and other posts I have booked it into Barrets of Canterbury. I hope they treat my car well. For information, I am sure Barrets offer 10% discounts on club membership aswell. Thanks also for the other contacts. Next service, which will be after the warranty, I shall not be taking it to the main dealers, so I will need recommended places/mechanics. Stuart
  7. Hi, It is the dreaded time for me to part with some serious cash for my 30,000 mile service.I have a WRX (euro import) on a 04 plate. I want/need to go to the main dealer mainly to to keep the warranty up. Qustion is, which dealer do I take it to...? Walldonway in Larkfield Maistone Barrets of Canterbury Lifestyle in Tonbridge Wells Foxes in Sevenoaks (Are they still going - The telephone number doesnt work?) I would like to hear peoples views and experiences as I need to book it asap. I have had limited experiences myself with Walldonway, who seem ok and Lifestyle, who I have to question how much they knew about Subaru's. Barrets seem to get the thumbs up (from old posts) but are more expensive. I am willing to pay slightly more knowing that a mechanic is going to put top notch oil and brake fluid etc in my car instead of giving me lines like 'we put DOT 2 brake fluid in all makes of cars we service our - its fine'. I dont mind people emailing me direct if for legal reasons etc people cant comment about the dealers. Thanks in advance Stuart PS. I have tried to search previous posts and haven't found much to recent.
  8. Happy Birthday Pele for Thursday Your birthday is day after my sisters birthday, 3 days before my other sisters birthday and 5 days after the birth of my daughter Charlotte. (Had to get it in somewhere to tell the world! ) Anyway, I hope you have a nice day. Stuart
  9. Hi, Finally got a few minutes to put my name down on here. I am lucky enough to own not just one but two Scoobie's. MY94 UK Green, gold wheels MY04 Blue Mica WRX Totally standard (at the moment) Have to admit though, one of them is for sale and its not the MY04 May try to come to some meets again while, at the moment I have a little time. Stuart PS. Pele I am on the mailing list thanks
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