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About ZippyEFC

  1. Gutted I always used to have a good chat and a bite to eat with Chris at the meets, he was a top bloke.
  2. Cheers lads. Sold the Mondeo taday and i'm without a car again I want a black Golf GT TDi but i'm struggling to find a good one at the the right price. If you hear anything let me know
  3. Hello everyone, i hope you are all well? I'm driving round in a Mondeo at the moment but only short term. Dont think i'll be getting another scoob but i'll try and pop up to one of the meets to say hello. Take it easy boys and girls
  4. It says Stevens not Stephens as well. Attempted wind up me thinks
  5. Looking unlikely m8 but a slight possibility
  6. I've not received anything, guess i'm out of the CADS earlier than i thought
  7. Well i wasn't there m8 so it cant have been me
  8. I'll let my brother in law know, his needs doing i think. I'll pm you next week m8.
  9. << any of you guys bought a black sti from widnes with gold alloys a 54 plate it was in the garage about march time just wonder who bought it out of intrest really. >> I think Lee(codie) might have bought that car. I think he's going the meet on Sunday.
  10. How much for a Golf J?
  11. If its not sold i will be but otherwise only as a paying guest.
  12. Had the car for sale for the last week Nige, its gotta go m8
  13. I was really looking forward to this meet as its most likely my last one, but i cant make it I'm at a friend of Nics babys christening on Sunday and i cant get out of it. I'll come to the next meet in whatever it is i'm driving, maybe i'll still have my scoob but doubt it.
  14. Andy i guess you know what Polytetrafluoroethane is then
  15. I'll be there.
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