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Posts posted by spooks

  1. Well I own a D700 and love it to death, but I must say the Canon is a very capable camera but I just cant gel with it. The Nikons are better built but Canon offer more bang for buck so it boils down to how you like a camera. Gotta say I enjoy a good larf about Nikon Canon but come on keep it real........Besides Nikons make yer willy bigger.....FACT.

  2. I think most of ya'all know Rosie, my better half, and that she has a life threatening disorder called Cystic Fibrosis. She has done many things in the past to raise money in the hope that a cure can be found not for just for her but for the coming generations.

    Her latest effort to raise money coming next year involves her walking part of Hadrian's Wall but she needs to raise money so she can take part, the only person with CF to take part, and also help find that elusive fix. Just to say that this will be the last event she will be doing as Miss Cain, soon after she is changing to Mrs Armour lol

    She has set up a just giving page so you can donate electronically, so if anyone would like to donate please visit www.justgiving.com/Rose-Marie-Cain or contact me.

    Thank you all


  3. This was advertised on Knockhill's website for ages, then on BTCC web site as well as advertised on local media ie radio and paper. Never managed to go myself as they thought it would be a good idea to make it through the day when most sane normal people were working. A few years back they had it at 6pm, this was before I was into photography IIRC as I cant find pics of it, and it was a very good event to go to.

  4. This is Rosie here, just a wee word to try and help.

    When Spooks was RO we used to distribute the poles marquee etc to wherever they needed to go, and the flag poles used to go from in the boot, through the ski hatch and almost touch the gear stick. An uncomfortable ride for the driver but if you want them to the venue it's a task that has to be done i guess.

    Good luck


  5. I'd been watching the Gizmodo live blog. Specs are interesting, nothing much extra other than the better camera and the compass, but the bigger oomph and the better battery are both good additions. Hard to upgrade something that was already so well designed.

    The 3.0 software should be good when it arrives next week.

    Here's some prices for o2 - http://shop.o2.co.uk/update/paymonth.html

    The tethering page isn't up yet. Wish it would appear as I've been looking forward to that since getting my netbook.

    Tethering is £15/month for a 3GB bundle........ can you say rip off. If you have a 16GB its not worth the upgrade but if your looking ( like me ) its not much more for the new one...... Phone call to be made.

  6. Price reduction for current 3g model, 3GS expected to be released June 19th in US and UK if I read correctly. No prices on O2 or apple UK site yet. Will be calling O2 tommoz to order price dependent even if its slightly underwhelming.

  7. O2 expect the release to be July 17th, although they have no details from Apple yet. They also said that they dont have plans to allow current 3G users to upgrade like they did with the original iphone so dont hold your breath Stephen.

  8. A few pics of some people involved in making the weekend a great time, apologies to GrantR I managed to miss taking a head on pic but I will get you eventually :D

    No mobiles were hurt in making these pics





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