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About Coolhandcran

  1. Why do the weegies keep pulling out? A nevr said this cause am new to these here parts BUT, Am sure someone talked about a free shower on arrival Jest,
  2. Cal, "Superb" "Coolhandcran - and Scooby nuts Coolhandjunior" The wee man likes his name, says he'll "watch yer car mister"( for nouwnt) Catch ye the morin!!
  3. Curious, Will I need too take anything other than my motor and my balls??? Was just thinking about sitting on the sidelines, but I just know the keys will burn a hole in ma pocket. So just incase, Any guidlines for a first timer??
  4. Hope this works' probably the worst photo I have but the only one under 200kb Must endevour to master computer
  5. Server would go into matrix meltdown if I posted a pic of my coupon
  6. treid but failed on the pics they all seem to be to be over 200KB As for the constable my good man!! I turned too the dark side many light years ago, way too intellegent to be plod I mean after all I have an IQ of over 50.(cal gave you a nod union st couple of weeks ago red classic blacked oot rear windae's) Makro would be cool for me bein a torry loon, what time?? are minors aloud?? my wee man is 13 and is scooby mad, if I aint goin fast he aint happy
  7. Cheers JC, Too busy trying to see straight to see the thread for the 13TH (DOH) First Shell garage on the left as you come into sunny Dundee for 9:45, 10 I'll be riding the red classic with the black wheels. everyone tells me a should of got white wheels but theres nothing like being different, honest opinons from people in the know greatfully accepted.
  8. Cheers for the welcome comrades, Good to see ther is a strong N/E contingence, see a few scoobs on my travels to work(had a few waves and nods) Cal that would'nt be the last digits of you're plate by chance?? what date is crail happening?would be quite interested never been before,would be cool too see some like minded folks who understand!! am 36 and the guys in my work think I'm the oldest boy racer in town' I try too tell them am the only guy in work that can leave his house at 8 o clock and still be in at 7:55 WITH A SMILE ON HIS FACE!! if I had the technical know how I would post a pic of the motor, anyone
  9. Fitlike Folks....Paul From Aberdeen Had my 93 WRX import for a month now and been looking at a couple of forums to have a banter with, and i must admit you guys certainly seem to encourage new members, would be real sweet to know which way to go go with the old girl (not the missus) and pick all you're brains on the moddin scene. Need to do a couple of big shouts already. Liam at Glenburgie Subaru A1 Service. And rarerims in Devon the only guy that could supply my Rota's next day (Top Man) Sorry Guys tried to insert clicky fail miserably
  10. Sorry m8 number would probably help 891414
  11. try Scott at car clinic on Abbotswell Road just off wellington road
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