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About shocker13

  1. Hi very nice car seen it in the flesh today ,but your mad ,i hope your not going to run it on two pots cheers shocker
  2. Filled up today noticeable difference in the mid range , pulls a lot stronger don
  3. its not for the scoob gumball ,thats already got the apexi fitted , im looking for one for the civic its now running 322 bhp and thought id get one to be on the safe side , what you still on this forum for , thought you had sold the car don
  4. Who sells knocklinks in scotland
  5. one of the best - not like the playboy tossers we have now adays
  6. RAPIDCOSSIE - over inflated civic power curves dont think so, my nos powered civic made same graphs give or take a few bhp on dasteks rollers and also ava rollers so they cant be over inflateing there graphs
  7. cheers vicki and thanks for the support and sponsership ,some others still to cough up, you know how you are ( LOL ) don
  8. HI abseil done today , abseil was no problem the hardest bit is climbing over the rail to stand on a 6 inch girder and attach the rope then jumping off A big thanks to all that sponsered shocker
  9. Cheers mate have seen you round maddiston a few times, have waved but dont think you noticed , you might have been to busy watching the little scroats that are about so they dont steel your wheels as you drive through shocker
  10. Thanks guys and girls its all for a great cause don r
  11. Cheers andy , going over to duncs at weekend with a big crow bar to try and prise his wallet open ( only joking ) and thanks to VICKI for the donation its all going to a superb cause Don
  12. Hi im doing a free fall abseil from the forth bridge on the 9th april at 10.30 for chest ,heart and stroke scotland what im looking for is a small donation to this good cause ,ive already paid for the abseil and looking to raise a bit more on my sponsor sheet my address can be pm-ed if you would like to send a cheque for a small amount made out to CHSS ,or a donation dropped of at duncans at hypertech you can read my other post on the type r scotland forum if you like( they have been very good ) the day and other events can be seen on www.acefundraising.org.uk thanks don http://http://type-r-scotland.com/phpBB2/v...opic.php?t=7759
  13. its not for the interlink sprinter van that i rammed on the way out of glasgow the other day
  14. mad max rulz
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