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About kitten_sti

  1. I have been posting on here for less than a week and to be honest i am a bit confused by some of the comments. Now for some strange reason i have been linked with adult web sites ect. So i have decided that this isn't really the place for me. Some of you people seemed really nice and some i just didn't understand to be honest, maybe it takes a while to understand the humour. Maybe i will have more joy on scooby net. Bye xx
  2. Thought that was your name xx
  3. Thanks Gumball thats my first PM. Took me a min to work out what I touch goats meant xx
  4. I am xx
  5. That's very nice of you. Do you cause as much trouble at parties as you do here. lol xx
  6. PMSL Funny some one mentioned squirrels Think most of you guys are nuts. lol xx
  7. i was just thinking the same thing stephen. since ive joined he is the funniest guy here. Im looking forward to meeting him actually. excuse me being forward !!
  8. Is 1000 posts a big thing Swiggi? are you reallt having a party for it? xx
  9. i feel like ive known you for ages all ready. Glad your staying Chris xx
  10. << Hi there Just wait till the modding starts. >> Modding where should i start???????
  11. Guys i'm really sorry just didn't think i will sort it out xx
  12. Note to self must stay away from Gumball he will j7ust get me into trouble
  13. Your seem to be a bit of a character Gumball you seem to have quite a rep on here from what i have read. xx
  14. Hi i used these pics as i have just got my car and haven't got a camera it is the same as that. I spoke to Gumball about getting pics that looked the same and he helped me out. xx
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