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Richy B

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About Richy B

  1. Don't worry Sharon, looked myself today and ended up buying last months anyway LOL... Looks like it is out in the shops on the 11th...
  2. Cheers Si... I do have some pro shots which have been sent to me, but I'm not sure if I am allowed to post them up or not yet???
  3. Cheers Kev for your comments mate, makes all the hard work and money spent on the 22B worthwhile finally getting it featured!!! The shoot was done at the beautiful Elan Valley... Was an awesome day... Just need to see the feature with my own eyes now, LOL...
  4. Everyone loves a Classic Kev...
  5. Well done Kev, seems you are the man for the job now you are back in the fold...
  6. Awesome Si... I'll add mine, makes me proud to be Welsh... My 22B STi... Leader of many packs...
  7. Richy B


    Well done guys, looking good...
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