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  1. Do I don't I ? Tempted tho !!


    MMM??? MMM???? ???? DO I, DON'T I ? MMM ?
  3. 1. Sheepie 2. Granby 3. Dunks 4. Daisy 5. Mikkers (if we are up) 6. Scoobytoo and little ones. ( if i can get them up and ready in time )
  4. triplets even
  5. 1. Granby 2. Dunks 3. Baser999 - think I've still got the ball and frisbee 4. col_2 5. SCOOBYTOO etc.... 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15
  6. I've got my eye on a little something hopefully later on in the year and yes you can guess the colour
  7. yeh gay boys comes to mind lol
  8. Hi Neil, ok thanks, hope your all well too? Have you still got the black STI with PINK decals? I've just been toalking to Markie on the pm's. Just think this time last year me and you going to the ks meet in that Saab cab for my birthday. Got the vxr8 this weekend 480 bhp and 2wd and loud as f*** pops and bangs more than a scooby but 5 times louder though, downside around 8mpg!!!
  9. wouldn't miss it m8. just remind me of the date for the diary lol
  10. just thought I'd drop and say hi to all my old fellow scooby owners. Itrust you are well?
  11. happy birthday m8y. from the scoobytoo's [G]
  12. she's got Jack to help too this time[A]
  13. 1. Granby 2. Vicky K 3. Daniel and Daniela 4. Dunks and Family 5. Still Grinning 6. Team Yogi- 7. Baser999 8. Hol and Family 9. Mark and Michelle 10. T123VOR 11.scoobytoo and family [Y]
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