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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. Do subaru's generally sound quite loud when ticking over, I don't mean the exhaust noise but noise from the engine mine seems extremely loud and tappity. Is that normal or is mine broke? Oh and are all subaru clutches stiff? Simon
  2. Yes Looked at it today not worth my while at the moment would lose too much. Have looked at the cost and decided to do exactly what you have done Granby just got to find the money!!! Still prefer blobeye but hey ho. Oh and very tempted by the cheese and onion though Simon
  3. Yes I ust like the blob eye so much more now And should have got an sti it was a case of little boy in the subaru shop with deep pockets. I didn't know anything about them at the time.
  4. Sorry I am stupid the message was meant to be UK 300 Bought it in january for £15000 and really really regret it How much do you think? Perfect condition, 40k WRX's of this age are selling for around 10k Help wanna get rid!!!
  5. No he is totally ignoring me!!! Found another on ebay but have spoke to the chap and he sounds a bit dodgy!! Thanks Granby
  6. Bit of a long story but really irritated me!!! Been looking for a new turbo for a while and two come up on scoobynet. Both vf 35's both around £250. Contacted both one got back to me and i told him i would take the turbo dispite it having been on his car when his car blew up. Which i was worried about anyway but blinded by the thought of more speed It just so happened that a friend of mine was going to the area he lived and could pick it up for me this weekend which was very handy. All arranged with friend to pick it up, Spoken to seller who was going to call when it was ready on Fri/Sat. Did he call? I tried calling all day no answer Moan finished
  7. I know it ain't kent but spotted a nice WR blue bugeye parked up in Brockley/Ladywell looked alot like v5 man's little picture Morriette front lights and same at the rear Nice and clean with big shiny silver wheels Had to stop and stare for a mo
  8. Wayne, When i got mine it had a single din stereo and a blanking plate, Just changed it for a double din kenwood dvd/navi etc makes the dash look alot better/smarter and gives good sound. Got a small tube in the boot for a bit of base Simon
  9. PM me details daddy and if it will go on mine you will have a quick sale money allowing!!! simon
  10. I still have the one in the up pipe but was told that this was ok!!!
  11. Can anyone suggest a garage/person who can look at my flamer kit as it still ain't working!!! Went to the Tunnel run yesterday (which was brilliant by the way!!!) and loads of imprezas flaming but not mine. A few people there suggested changing the plug which i did today but still no flames PLEEEAAASEEE HELP.
  12. Thanks scoobytoo, See u there!!!
  13. I am definatly coming along but can't get on scoobynet will it be ok just to turn up. I will meet you at the tollgate if that is ok.
  14. Yes already gone Granby even though i emailed him when you put the link on!!! That was from Sanspeed £700 for the turbo with an exchange for mine and £400 for oil and gaskets. Is that alot? where did you get yours? If anyone sees one let me know!!! Hol have already had an ecutek remap!
  15. I have found a spare £1000 to spend and want to know what to do next with the money!!! Have only done a few things shown underneath Was thinking about a vf34 turbo but quoted £1100 fitted anything else?
  16. Pic of what? The kit is on constella.co.uk £60 comes with coil pack, spark plug, ht lead, switch and wiring The plug was a single prong one which i swapped for a double one i presume the type of plug does'nt matter a spark is a spark ain't it? Where is your plug in the exhaust?
  17. No i saw a link on here for CONSTELLA who seem good guys!
  18. The instuctions with mine say only leave it on for 5 minutes do i have a bad one?
  19. Much appreciated, If my exhaust is a full hks is it likely to have a cat? How long can you leave yours on for and on the way home tried loads of things but will keep on trying!!!
  20. and plug is in tailpipe right next to the backbox
  21. Yes spark plug is sparking constantly and can see spark clearly in the middle of the pipe. And have got a full hks system with a silent hi power back box, i thought it may be something to do with this as the back box is quite thick with two layers of steel but have drilled through both and as i said it has worked twice so don't think it can be this. In the middle of my exhaust there is a thicker part which looks like a cat but was told that both cats were gone and that it would not pass an mot. And your little picture makes me very sad!!!
  22. Has anybody got one? If so does it work? I have fitted one today seems to be fitted correctly and worked twice with huge flames but now can't get it to light at all Any ideas appreciated Simon
  23. Is anybody welcome? Simon
  24. Is anybody welcome? Simon
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