The car developed a under bonnet rattle yesterday, which I could'nt find. On the way to work this morning the handrake light came on followed by the battery light then the power steering stopped working.
Limped to work popped the bonnet to find the drive belt for the power sterring pump/alternator lying in the engine bay. The belt was in good condition, it had been thrown off because the pulley on the end of the crank shaft was loose. I tightened up replaced the belt.
Half way home tonight same thing happened as the pulley had been loose the bore has become enlarged and needs to be replaced. Because it was loose the drive key it also damaged, it looks like the key also drives the cambelt pulley, which means I need to remove the cambelt just to replace the little key. Do'h. Can anyone confirm if this is correct as it was a little diificult to see via torch?
At least there is no damage to the crank shaft, I'm going to Leeds tomorrow (Karting) so had to borrow my Dads car.