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Everything posted by Manxman

  1. Manxman


    Its the best thing that can happen to the Port Erin Racers is to be pulled by the Police, might calm them down, the lower prom and Bay View Road along with Bridson Street is a mecca for them. They are easily spotted as they have the "R" plate attatched to their steads as it apparently gives more BHP ! "R" = Racer, or is it Remedial I get confussed ;-) Has anyone checked out manxpower.com !? I must admit that I know some sensible R platers and they should'nt all be tarred with the same brush.
  2. << It maybe one of those top secret manx things again !!!! >> lol Bound to be true - as i've not heard anything !! But on the other hand it could be true as i'm usually the last to hear of these sort of things. If it is true i would book a session on it, might even book a session for the Sccoby as well !!
  3. << I'm shocked to learn that there is something going on over here that not everyone knows about! >> Unusal for the Island that in it ?!
  4. I'll be able to sleep now !!
  5. Am I the only Scooby driver on the island that doesnt know who the dealer is? I know who sells cars in Ramsey and can only think of 2 that it could be - SeatSuzukiSubaru or HyundaiSubaru. Can someone please advise me?
  6. Mark, Got the box done by API as an exchange - I would recommend them - very easy to deal with and the box is still working !! this cost £550+vat with carriage costing a further £100+vat(ish) API arranged all the carriage. I then got Southcoast to drop out the old box and fit the new one - with oil etc I think he charged me about £250 incl VAT - was in and out the same day. The total invoice for everything was a couple of £££'s over £1,000 (£1,064 I think). API give the box a 6 month 6,000 mile warranty - hopefully I wont need it. If you need any other info, just ask. On to the brakes now............!!!!!!
  7. Well the deeds been done ! Have had the gearbox built by API (Excellent company to deal with!) so far no problems, and hopefully there wont be either ! The only downside is whilst the box is cold its not the smoothest change, but there is a big difference when warm, sweeeeeeeet.............. The down side to all this is that I might have to now sell the car to pay for for the job, what with the cost of the box, carriage both ways and fitting Will keep you all posted on any developments.
  8. UPDATE. Going to cost approx £60.00-£65.00+vat each way to send my box to API, dont reckon that with the cost of removing, refitting it, sending away and API's charges i'll get much change out of £900.00 !!!!!
  9. Seconded !
  10. Suppose I asked for that !! Hope you took in the manner that it was meant ? (With my tongue firmly planted in the side of my cheek!)
  11. Does anyone know of anyone on Scooby Island that does Window Tinting? dont want to get the rolls from Dee Emm Ess - want a proper job. Want to have the "Privacy Look" (not limo black or mirror or blue or bronze etc going to be tasteful, hopefully !) on the Side and Rear windows with also the same colour for a Sunstrip on the front screen as I want to replace my boy racer one !! I fitted it because the sun blinds let too much sun in by the rear view mirror. Have checked the new phone book but can't see anyone. someone must do it as there are loads of cars over here with them. Want to get both my car done and my wife's Scenic done as I am considering getting DVD fitted in hers for the little darlings in the back.
  12. I found taking the handbrake off works a treat Only jesting, Sorry.
  13. Hi guys, I know I've taken a while (12 months, 2 weeks) to add my comments to this now dead thread, but it might be of some use. I have not had my gearbox fixed yet but it will be in the next few weeks. I will be sending it to David OBrien @ API Engines in Warwickshire (after months of research). For them to supply a reconnd box or to reconn my own will be £550.00+vat this includes 6 months 6k miles warranty, usually takes a day, you'll need to book it in a few weeks in advance. The price is for a UK spec box, I know that the jap spec boxes have different ratios but not sure what else. they also have suggested to run castrol SAF X Oil in it (I already do. The symtons listed previously are similar to mine, worrn synchro rings etc. In my research numerous people both in and out of the trade have suggested that they wouldnt use Gwynnes. I have never used them so I cant quantify this, though a lot of them told me about API, I suppose its a case of you pay your money and take your choice. I shall report back here when I have had the work done to update you. To engage 1st I have to come to a complete stop, other wise you can hear it grind and you can "feel" through the gear lever the teeth jumping as they try to mesh. 2nd gear grinds and is "stiff" when you change from 1st to 2nd @ approx 2500 - 3000 RPM. When changing from 3rd to 2nd I have to double de-clutch and just as the gate for 2nd opens you blip the throttle it goes in smoother, but still does not feel right. I have replaced the clutch with a genuine STI one, and this has made no difference.
  14. MMmmmmmmm BBQ
  15. I know I should know, but when is the next meet?
  16. Nick, I touch goats.
  17. << How did you get on with your gearbox? Did you send it away in the end? >> No, still saving up @ the moment. The cars still very drivable but still clunks when changing in to 2nd quickly unless you double de-clutch. If I get the box done I'll have to sell the car to pay for the repair B*gger. There appears to be a few people wanting 'boxes @ the moment, there were a few on Ebay a couple of weeks back, still think the best option is to repiar mine than buy a 2nd hand one recon job. Don't seem to get the time to drive the car much @ the moment
  18. Hey Nick, How ya doin'? Yes its been a while, main reason was problem with PC, my usual computer Company ...er...how do I say this..er..er..its probably best to say that they are no longer able to help me (do ya know any?) also have not really had any Va Va Voom, - my get up and go got up & went !!, to sit in front of a monitor in the evening aswell as during the day. Wrong Mind set with all thats happend in the last 3 months. R U still in the DIEC? Whats happening with your car? Seems to be a fair few new names on the Manx Section since I was last on, also the same reprobates are on aswell . PS. A Mate of mine has just got a new PC & Broadband from you, said you were really helpful. Wasn't sure if it was you he meant
  19. Greetings From Port Erin, Remember Me?! Long Time No Speak !! Hi all, for the ones who don't know me, I'm Tim, 1995 White Turbo UK spec Ex Subaru (UK) car, various subtle enhancements incl 4-Pots, Recaro Interior, SS Exhaust, de cat, dump valve. My pride and Joy. 302TMN.
  20. I would of thought that any tire fitters would fit them for you, but they would probably charge more as you didnt buy them from them. Some peaople are funny about that sought of think !!!
  21. Hi Terence, This Might Help you find about the planned dates for IOM 2004 trip. As you'll see from the thread there are two suggested dates, the most popular one is the Manx National Rally @ the end of July. Hope this helps you deceide on when to visit Scooby Island. You guys are always welcome anytime.
  22. His name begins with N !!!
  23. << I,m keen >> .......We know your Keen Richard, but are you interested in some Firworks etc on, or around Bonfire Night?
  24. Looks like its me & thee Boxer
  25. Surely its easier to ask Jon what forums he DOESN'T post on
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