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Everything posted by jon_hutton

  1. Bit wet at Castle Coombe so pictures didn't come out very well. But there he goes ..... whoosh
  2. Morning all. Day off today, off up to coombe to watch Rae visit the scenery. Don't worry I'm taking the camera.
  3. Would it be ok to bring my daughter (13) along, or is it adults only? I don't know yet if I can make it so can I just turn up or do you need a definete commitment for numbers?
  4. It's a mini adventure ....... Not the car but guessing what Neil's gonna get next.
  5. Anyone know the times for this yet? What time do we have to be there and what time is it likely to finish? Convoy ???
  6. Quote - "Get a facking Jap one mate" - unquote
  7. Bad news Ed, usually means lots of hassle. No one hurt I hope.
  8. Very busy at work at the moment, but can't complain at that. Still hoping to make the RR day on 5th, any idea what time this likely to finish as I'll have to be back home by 5.00.
  9. Evening Ed, how are you m8.
  10. << << Errrmmmmm, is the new SWS site still working? >> >> << YES! >> I can't seem to get on it tonight.
  11. Sound fun, put me down for it. Thinking of any particular date?
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