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Posts posted by Gee

  1. you cant beat the look of the classic hands down the best looking impreza ever,

    i know the new car has loads of power but it looks like ford/honda could you not redesign it?

    Sadly No!

    I dont work for Subaru, just one of their suppliers.

    But ive seen the type uk's in the flesh (silver and black), and they remind me a bit of an "intergrale" from the front.....which can only be a good thing?

    Just wait till people star modding them.....it'll grow on ya!


  2. I love the new STi, didnt at first but its grown on me.......plus i had the wonderful job of designing the "type uk" badging that will go on every uk STi.

    Sorry not allowed to show you all yet, its top secret! :thumbup:

    But it looks very stylish and subtle.


  3. Thanks you guys and girls, (especially Pele and Yogi) you all made me feel very welcome.

    I will try and turn up on time for the next one, then you can all get a look at my car and vica versa.

    Trev, you left before i got a chance to see ya new car.....nxt time mate.

    Top bunch of banana's

  4. Hi Trev,

    I may be interested in the TSL group N backbox, do you know if its a lot qiueter than the TSL Firestorm that i currently run.
    Its just a tad too loud i feel, and the tailpipe is way too big for a 36 year old! Anyway, can chat about it later at the Wharf mate.

    Cheers, Sean.
  5. Hmmmm, old "jacko" or the groom as he is more commonly known, was enjoying himself a bit too much i think!

    That wouldnt have worked at my wedding, me and my mates were so drunk it would have looked like a breakdancing competition......i could barely manage a slowy to Lets get it on-Marvin Gaye! (my choice)

    As long as they enjoyed themselves, thats wot counts.

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