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About Gee

  1. Sadly No! I dont work for Subaru, just one of their suppliers. But ive seen the type uk's in the flesh (silver and black), and they remind me a bit of an "intergrale" from the front.....which can only be a good thing? Just wait till people star modding them.....it'll grow on ya! Sean.
  2. I love the new STi, didnt at first but its grown on me.......plus i had the wonderful job of designing the "type uk" badging that will go on every uk STi. Sorry not allowed to show you all yet, its top secret! But it looks very stylish and subtle. Sean.
  3. Thats superb, i like the geezers face when he has second thoughts and turns round. Good find Leebo.
  4. Thanks you guys and girls, (especially Pele and Yogi) you all made me feel very welcome. I will try and turn up on time for the next one, then you can all get a look at my car and vica versa. Trev, you left before i got a chance to see ya new car.....nxt time mate. Top bunch of banana's Sean.
  5. Hi Trev, I may be interested in the TSL group N backbox, do you know if its a lot qiueter than the TSL Firestorm that i currently run. Its just a tad too loud i feel, and the tailpipe is way too big for a 36 year old! Anyway, can chat about it later at the Wharf mate. Cheers, Sean.
  6. I went with A-plan, they were cheaper than KM for me.....but i am only lightly modded! Sean.
  7. Hmmmm, old "jacko" or the groom as he is more commonly known, was enjoying himself a bit too much i think! That wouldnt have worked at my wedding, me and my mates were so drunk it would have looked like a breakdancing competition......i could barely manage a slowy to Lets get it on-Marvin Gaye! (my choice) As long as they enjoyed themselves, thats wot counts. Sean.
  8. So what is it Trevor, red or green? If its green, well done.....its good to be different. Sean.
  9. Gee

    How!! LOL

    Photoshop, paintshop pro or some sort of photo editing program. Sean.
  10. Im Happy too.......and i dont even know what its all about! in best spanish accent"Everybody happy, la la-la la-la la! You stay in Hotel Bastados.......you wanta soft toilet paper? You go to Hotel Gayboy!" comic strip-a fistfull of travellers cheques. Sean.
  11. Would it be ok for an essex boy to come along? Please. Sean.
  12. One word springs to mind......................................sad!
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