Hey Phil
Was that you I saw today behind the Maserati, Lambos and the nobhead beemer driver who nearly lost it coming off the Telford roundabout in Inverness?
If it was then what a Cheshire smile you had and good to see another STI on the road.
Hi Phillip
Car looks sweet and bet you can't wait to get delivery . However knowing it's at home and you not being able to travel must be a right ball ache.
Not much activity here on Scottish Scoobies ?
All the best pal.
Cheers pal.
Good to hear your my03 is still being kept on the "salty roads" and if you live in Scotland then I think you should add yourself. I've been meaning to give mine another waxoil before the winter approaches but with work and sh1te weather it's not looking promising.
When you say rusty front pipe to cat; is that the second pipe from down pipe to middle cat? There's a few different options on exhausts ay?
I'm all in favour of old skool bud so you've got my vote on known reliability other than gimmicky technologies that are just another thing to go wrong.
I've found it fairly easy to either find replacements from UK cars to match up with my import or to modify them to fit. There's always Don to point us in the right direction ?
Thanks for the warm welcome and all the best to you too sir!