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About fast-bits-chloe

  1. Hi Imy - thanks for the welcome, I'm just trying to read through all the post just now and came across yours. it's nice to hear from another chick What are you driving? Are you going too the meet?
  2. Hello SHE'S back !! Oh my god what a load of nutters you are !! The PM's - although there are now I think about 107, this includes me replying PLUS some people sent me ermmmmm quite a few - well actually I had over 20 from one guy alone, so there ain't 107 people on the site PMing me !!!! Name and shame - well tbh all of the PM's were guys offering advice, so I wouldn't dream of naming them, they were only being helpful and friendly !!! :confused: The he - she thing, well I'll just give you a wee clue I deffo aint a bloke I was gonna put a picci on my avatar, but will keep you all guessing till after the meet !!!! (I'm getting a laugh out of all this !!) No seriously tho - back to topic, I'm going to look at one in Kinrosss with my dad tomorrow. Thanks for all your help, in more ways than one ( mum's in hospital just now) so you guys & girls have also managed to cheer me up a bit !!!!
  3. Update - make that 104 just had another one !!! LMAO !!
  4. << jees chloe has there been that many its taking you a while to count them you prepared to name names yet >> Haha !! I had another one so was replying - OK there are 103 including me replying too some
  5. << aww come on chloe give us just a few names to be going on with how many pms have you had >> Wait till I go count them !!!
  6. Ah well guess thats the end of the PM's then !!!!! LMAO - Of course there's always Ruby, what ya think chick, still up for a wee shot in the scooby ??? PMSL - only jk Ruby
  7. Take a look on here - someone found my pic so the games up now !!! http://bbs.sidc.co.uk/messageview.cfm?cati...88&STARTPAGE=10
  8. << >> OMG !!!! I've been rumbled where the fook did you did my pic up from !!!!! Oh well at least you all know what I look like now, and you'll recognise me at the meet !!!
  9. << lol hijacked by gumball that was pure quality just out of intrest chloe would you car to elaborate on how many pms you have had from durty old men fancy naming and shaming a few of them >> Hahaha !!! This has got to be the best laugh I've had in weeks !!! Too all you NICE guys who PM'd me - what's it worth to keep my gob shut ??????
  10. << Do you not need to work Chloe????? >> Shhhhhh - I'm at work !!!!!!
  11. << http://bbs.scoobynet.co.uk/showthread.php?t=482590 Hey chloe just found this scoob on scoobynet its up for 6500 wi 46K black classic looks really in mint condition its a sport special take a looksy. Spacer >> Hmmm - VERY NICE INDEED !! only prob it's in Essex, I'll contact the seller on that forum when I get home, think I'll need to register on it first and stuff !!
  12. Just taken a better look at that link Andy - it looks a really nice car, at the right price. Ermm - Kinross, I'm away too look at Google to see where it is, then hopefully a wee trip at the weekend to see it. I'll give them a ring first to make sure it's not gone !! Thanks again folks - u are all ace !!
  13. Morning Chloe. Was just haveing a wee nosey through the auto trader website and for a nice looking 2001 sport for you. Try here (its on page 2)... Milnathort motor company Andy Sorry andy I just noticed this post just now, it got kinda lost amongst the other somewhere. lol thats really kind of you, i'll go take a wee look just now, thanks again Chloe
  14. << well done perverts you have made it to 8 pages welcome to the forums chloe thats a nice car how you getting on with your insurance >> I'm not - really haven't had too do anything like this before I'm going to get it insured in my dads name, but considering I haven't chosen a car, don't know the model, year, mileage, value etc how can I get an accurate quote
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