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Eddie Bunnett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bunnett

  1. It is...some of us still haven't grown up🤣🤣🤣...Getting up at stupid o/clock at the weekends holds no appeal mate...Anyway need a Scooby first🤣🤣🤣🤣
  2. Hello Ed Still alive and breathing mate...busy boy with work etc...how about you squire?
  3. Hello mate It's been a while...used to see you on Faecesbook a lot but not seen you in ages...you OK?
  4. Blast from the dim and distant past🤣🤣🤣🤣
  5. And you mate...take it easy...Will catch up properly one day
  6. No idea... not seen or spoken to him in years...Lost touch with everyone once we (Jacqui) knocked it on the head in 2010 / 2011
  7. Thank you... One of life's changes...Anyway phone at 5% so better go before it dies...🤣🤣🤣
  8. Thanks for the invite mate...however come back from holiday in Cornwall late Saturday so it's a no from moi...On the seen you all front I have married someone else since the Sun Inn days👍
  9. Yep that was a lifetime ago mate... Lots of things have changed since then
  10. See pm mate...yep still have the Leon
  11. Change of car now...nope still not got another one...picked up a 2 litre Seat Leon Diesel... Excellence edition...Only 150 brake but great Torque..... So many toys and full leather....definitely in the old man club now but still haven't given up getting another Scooby but prices still ridiculous
  12. Indeed I do.....
  13. Right one mate.... Not to fussed which one..... Love Classics but if the right Blob or Hawk came up then.....
  14. Battered old 54 plate Focus and Mrs B has a 61 plate Juke. Got the money for the right Scooby... But it had to be the right one. Have had: 1999 DBM Turbo 2000 1996 Jap WRX 1999 Version 5 STI All Classics....the 96 WRX was my favourite.
  15. A quick pop on again... Viewed a couple of Scoobies in the last 5 / 6 months but have been real dogs. Also too many asking for stupid money as well.
  16. Hello all... Still Scoobyless - prices a bit expensive for my pocket but let's see what next year brings... Would love to go roaring down the lanes where I live...If there is no change then same time next however.......
  17. Well it's now November 2021.... married to someone new...2022 I plan to get back into having another Scooby... but the South West seems to be very quiet
  18. Blimey... Nearly 2 years since my last post on this topic ????... Been scoobyless for 9 months now and the craving for yet another one is getting stronger by the day ??.. Reckon I will have to give into temptation... Blimey that's almost 16 years ago I first joined here.... Those were the days ?
  19. Peoples......My yearly visit lol
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